rinsing trough是什么意思 rinsing trough的中文翻译、读音、例句

rinsing trough是什么意思 rinsing trough的中文翻译、读音、例句

rinsing trough在中文中有"冲洗槽"的意思,在英美地区还有"冲洗槽"的意思,在线发音:[rinsingtrough],rinsing trough来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到74个与rinsing trough相关的例句。

Rinsing trough的词典翻译


例句:The fabric may be immediately steamed after which rinsing oxidation and soaping is done . (所以织物在水洗,氧化,和皂洗之后可以立即汽蒸。)


rinsing trough一般作为名词使用,如在rinsing(n. 漂净, 残渣)、trough(水槽 )、dunk rinsing(浸水清洗)等常见短语中出现较多。

rinsingn. 漂净, 残渣
dunk rinsing浸水清洗
film rinsing胶片冲洗
glazing by rinsing汤釉
intermediate rinsing中间淋洗
oxidation rinsing氧化水洗
rinsing agent清洗剂
rinsing bath清洗浴


1. Past the cattle trough, beyond a sign to Dungarven. (翻译:从牲口饮水槽旁边过去, 在 Dungarven路标那边.)

2. This chair grows in a sliding flower trough, and each "foot" grows a willow tree. (翻译:这把椅子长在一个可滑动的花槽里,每只“脚”长出一株柳树。)

3. There is obvious difference in reservoir characteristics on both sides of the Kaijiang-Liangping trough in the northeast Sichuan basin. (翻译:川东北地区开江-梁平海槽两侧的飞仙关组储层有着明显的差异。)

4. You sound like a pig in a trough (翻译:吃小声一点,好像猪哥在吃馊水一样,啧啧叫 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You sound like a pig in a trough)

5. The composite opacifier is prepared by mixing, grinding, acid treatment, rinsing, smashing and drying. (翻译:经混料、研磨、酸化处理、漂洗、粉碎处理及干燥处理。)

6. These reports do not reflect a rebound to positive growth, but suggest that the trough of the recession could have been reached. (翻译:虽然尚未改善到恢复增长的程度,但却表明衰退可能已经见底。)

7. They have a trough and a crest, and consist not of moving water, but the movement of energy through water. (翻译:比正常波浪还大的波浪。它们有波谷和波峰, 并不是流动的水, 而是水的能量运动。)

8. Northwest fault of the Nansha Trough lies on the southeast boundary of the Beikang basin and has separated Beikang basin from Nansha Trough. (翻译:南沙海槽西北缘断裂位于北康盆地的东南边界,该断裂把北康盆地和南沙海槽盆地分隔开来。)

9. Middle Age people used marigold petals for rinsing their hair. (翻译:到了中世纪,人们使用万寿菊的花瓣来清洗他们的头发。)

10. Xisha Trough attracts more and more attention of scientists because of its great potential for gas hydrate. (翻译:西沙海槽区作为气水合物的可能聚集地越来越受到关注。)

11. Along with that foam shielding brim and a tool made of a cow's intestines used for rinsing. (翻译:还有遮蔽泡沫的帽檐 利用牛肠发明出冲洗身体的工具)

12. Objective To develop an automatic machine used for rinsing and drying ampoules and filling drug succus in field condition. (翻译:目的:研制野战型全自动药瓶冲洗吹干药液灌封机。)

13. DAILY SIN: RINSING AFTER BRUSHING teeth. (翻译:第三宗罪:刷牙后漱口。)

14. The Gentle Cleanser for combination skin can be mixed with Instant Foaming Cleanser Fleur de Vigne before rinsing with water. (翻译:对混合性皮肤来说,可以搭配使用洁面慕丝清洁脸部,再用水清洗。)

15. Alternatives: commercial car-washes or "waterless" soaps that require no rinsing. (翻译:备选方案:商业停车场洗净或“无水”香皂无需冲洗。)

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