ripersia japonica在英语中代表"日本芒粉蚧"的意思,其中文解释还有"日本芒粉蚧"的意思,发音音标为[ripersiajaponica],ripersia japonica常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到19个与ripersia japonica相关的例句。
Ripersia japonica的中文翻译
例句:Ingredients: Contain natural herb essence such as ginseng, Fomes japonica and liquorice. (成份:蕴含人参、灵芝、甘草等天然草本精华。)
ripersia japonica一般作为名词使用,如在Ripersia japonica(日本芒粉蚧)、Ripersia(芒粉蚧属)、japonica(日本山茶花 )等常见短语中出现较多。
Ripersia japonica | 日本芒粉蚧 |
Ripersia | 芒粉蚧属 |
japonica | 日本山茶花 |
dioscorea japonica japonica | 薄叶野山药;日本薯蓣 |
machilus japonica japonica | 假长叶楠 |
ninox japonica japonica | 褐鹰鸮(过境亚种);褐鹰鸮 |
stephania japonica japonica | 千金藤 |
tetraclita japonica japonica | 日本笠藤壶 |
youngia japonica japonica | 黄鹌菜 |
Dioscorea japonica | 野山药 |
1. Conclusion The different locations and harvest times affect the content of tannin in Rhizoma of Osmunda japonica. (翻译:结论紫萁贯众中鞣质的含量因产地和采收期变化而不同。)
2. Japonica, you promised me. Did you not promise me? (翻译:杰庞嘉 你答应过我的 你不是答应过我吗?)
3. Observation on Amyloplast Development in Endosperm of Different Chalkiness Japonica Rice with Scanning Electronic Microscope (翻译:不同垩白度粳稻胚乳淀粉体发育的扫描电镜观察)
4. Phyllitis japonica could be available from spore propagation and. vegetative propagation. (翻译:对开蕨可以进行孢子繁殖和分株繁殖。)
5. Japonica parent JX-17 had ovicidal resistance to WBPH. (翻译:粳稻亲本京系17具有杀卵抗性。)
6. Comparative study on the efficacy of KLH-IDT and SEA-IDT in diagnosing schistosomiasis japonica (翻译:KLH与SEA皮试法现场诊断日本血吸虫病效果的比较)
7. Drought stress affect the form of Phyllitis japonica. (翻译:干旱胁迫对对开蕨形态产生影响。)
8. Anguilla japonica; Anguilla marmorata; otolith microchemistry ; environmental history; migratory behaviors; adaptive radiation. (翻译:日本鳗;鲈鳗;耳石微化学;环境史;洄游行为;适应辐射。)
9. Objective To explore the risk factors of cerebral schistosomiasis japonica . (翻译:目的探讨脑型血吸虫病发病的危险因素。)
10. The Indica-compatible and Japonica-compatible IRLs can be matched with Japonica rice or Indica rice to select good combinations with strong heterosis. (翻译:而具有亲粳性和亲籼性的重组自交系可作为育种中间材料或与粳或籼稻配组,筛选出优势强的组合用于水稻生产。)
11. Culture Conditions of Alginic Acid Decomposing Bacteria and Their Physiological Effects on Laminaria japonica (翻译:褐藻酸降解菌的生长条件及其对海带的生理效应)
12. These markers were independent of each other and polymorphic in either L. japonica or L. longissima or both. (翻译:这些标记相互独立,至少在1个物种中呈多态性。)
13. The acute toxicity of bleaching powder to Charybdis japonica was determined, and its safety concentration was 0. (翻译:根据急性毒性试验确定了漂白粉对日本的安全质量浓度为0。)
14. Lonicera japonica and Fructus Forsythiae are frequently used in the compatibility of Traditional Chinese medicine. (翻译:金银花、连翘为抗菌消炎中药配伍中最常用的药对。)
15. Chemical composition and osmotic pressure of seminal plasma of Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita and Anguilla japonica (翻译:美国金鳟和日本鳗鲡精浆的化学组成和渗透压)