riveted bond是什么意思 riveted bond的中文翻译、读音、例句

riveted bond是什么意思 riveted bond的中文翻译、读音、例句

riveted bond在中文中有"铆钉接合"的意思,在英美地区还有"铆钉接合"的意思,发音音标为[rivetedbond],riveted bond常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到28个与riveted bond相关的句子。

Riveted bond的词典翻译


例句:Yes. Diane, you write to Julius about getting to Bond's weakest votes. (Diane 你给Julius写邮件 拉拢Bond最摇摆不定的支持者)


riveted bond一般作为名词使用,如在riveted(v. 铆接( rivet的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…固定住; 吸引; 引起某人的注意)、riveted and welded([网络] 铆接与焊接的)、riveted bend([网络] 铆钉接合)等常见短语中出现较多。

rivetedv. 铆接( rivet的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…固定住; 吸引; 引起某人的注意
riveted and welded[网络] 铆接与焊接的
riveted bend[网络] 铆钉接合
riveted boiler接锅炉
riveted bolt铆螺栓
riveted casing铆接的套管
riveted connection铆钉连接
riveted construction铆合构造
riveted dog铆钉锁簧


1. But, Chan, what about your Mr. Bond? (翻译:你的邦德先生怎么办 What about your Mr. Bond?)

2. I just heard the best joke about Bond Emeruwa. (翻译:我刚听到一个关于Bond Emeruwa的最有意思的笑话。)

3. The eternal bond of man and woman. (翻译:男女间永恒的结合 The eternal bond of man and woman.)

4. They are riveted because they're watching a 60-year-old man have a nervous breakdown. (翻译:他们全神贯注是因为看到一个 xx岁男人崩溃)

5. Now, given that wide of a distribution, it's more likely to be Bond spying than Canning. (翻译:基于这范围 看来是Bond在监视我们 而非Canning)

6. ♪now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around ♪ (翻译:♪Every bond you break♪ ♪Every bond you break♪)

7. He thinks he can break the bond between us. (翻译:他以为他能拆散我们 He thinks he can break the bond between us.)

8. I found out yesterday it's where Downey meets Bond Street. (翻译:我昨天才发现原来就在 Downey街和Bond街的交汇处)

9. Convertible bond is a mixed financial tool, it concurring has the character of bond and stock. (翻译:可转换债券作为一种混合型的金融衍生工具,其性质中同时存在着债性和股性。)

10. He was riveted to the John Wayne movie. (翻译:他痴迷于约翰•韦恩的电影。)

11. During fabrication, I riveted the trailing edge with my hand rivet squeezer. (翻译:在制作,我铆接尾随的优势,与我的手铆钉挤压。)

12. Now, that's a good day's work for Gardner, Bond. (翻译:对你们Gardner Bond事务所来说 也是不错的结果 等一下 Cary)

13. Creates a bond, creates a bond of respect. (翻译:创造一个凝聚力,创造一个充满尊重之情的凝聚力。)

14. In one of these dungeons, there is a fragment of an iron necklet riveted to the wall; (翻译:在那些地牢中,有一个还留下一段固定在石壁里的颈镣的一段;)

15. The sacred bond between employer and employee. (翻译:老板和员工之间神圣的纽带去哪了 {\3cH202020}The sacred bond between employer and employee?)

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