maschel是什么意思 maschel的中文翻译、读音、例句

maschel是什么意思 maschel的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Vale mas que se hagan a un lado, porque a lo mejor estos nos matan. (我们最好还是散开 因为他们可能会想杀了我们 Vale más que se hagan a un lado, porque a lo mejor éstos nos matan,)


例句:And now, we're only a couple of days away from X'Mas and the market appears to be tired but yet reverse its course of action. (现在﹐我们离圣诞节只有两三天﹐并且市场看上去是有些疲乏但尚未扭转趋势。)


1. Por favor, siguen hasta la salida mas cercana en una manera cuidadosa. (翻译:Olivera大街312号 二楼 红色门)

2. (Infanta) Ahh! Yes, I know that. (Infanta groans) Mas! (翻译:西班牙公主不是处女 我早就知道 她叔叔告诉我的)

3. No mas. We were not bred to wear silly hats and ride in purses! (翻译:我们不是那种天生该戴蠢帽子 靠手提包摆弄的玩偶)

4. SPAIN may soon be faced with two options, says UPF's Mr Mas-Colell: a permanent slump or economic reform. (翻译:西班牙庞培法布拉大学的Mas-Colel先生说:西班牙可能很快会面临两个选择:长期经济衰退或经济改革。)

5. But Mas Lynde said kindly, 'Of course I forgive you. (翻译:林德太太和善地说,“我当然会原谅你的。” )

6. Me gusta mas comer en casa. (翻译:我比较喜欢在家吃饭。)

7. In this research. The effects of PRLR on prolificacy is proved to be obvious, and polymorphism. so we can use it as molecular marker in MAS to improve the level of prolificacy. (翻译:本研究证明PRLR对多产性的效应显著,多态丰富,PRLR有望作为分子标记对多产性开展标记辅助选择工作,提高产仔数。)

8. MAS and exposure time calibrator is a useful calibrating instrument for ensuring the quality of X-ray apparatus. (翻译:线机MAS和曝光时间校准表是保证X线机出线质量所必须的校准仪表。)

9. I'm glad... I have nothing against you, mas this is to return my friends to normal. (翻译:正好啊 虽然对你没有仇但是要把同伴们变回去)

10. Solo vivir. Mas luego, no puedo desear. (翻译:生活 我已经厌倦了 要不然你替我憧憬一下)

11. Later that evening, when she and Anne were in Mas Lynde's warm kitchen, Anne suddenly fell on her knees. (翻译:当天晚上,玛丽拉和安妮在林德太太温暖的厨房里的时候,安妮突然给她跪下了。)

12. Actually, I have evidence to prove that MAS is a global epidemic. (翻译:事实上,我能证明MAS是一种全球性的疫病 )

13. The MAS is the speed of the last level. (翻译:MAS就是最后阶段的速度。)

14. But Mas Lynde said kindly, 'Of course I forgive you. (翻译:林德太太和善地说,“我当然会原谅你的。”)

15. In fact, the cure for MAS is right here in our hands. (翻译:实际上盲目接受综合症的解药就在我们手里 )

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