mason bees是什么意思 mason bees的中文翻译、读音、例句

mason bees是什么意思 mason bees的中文翻译、读音、例句

mason bees的中文解释是"昆虫、红切叶蜂",还经常被翻译为石蜂,发音是[masonbees],mason bees在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到87个与mason bees相关的例句。

Mason bees的中文翻译


例句:They cannot, for example, execute the queen and establish a republic of bees, or a communist dictatorship of worker bees. (比如说,它们无法处死蜂后, 建立蜜蜂共和国, 工蜂也不能组成共产政权。)


例句:Craig Mason is Paul Millander's adopted son. (Craig Mason是Paul Millander领养的儿子)


例句:[Churchill] ♪ Near it the bees in play ♪ ([ Churchill ] *music* 蜜蜂在旁边嗡嗡叫着 *music*)


mason bees一般作为名词使用,如在bees(蜂 蜜蜂 的复数)、Mason(n. 泥瓦匠, 共济会会员\nvt. 用砖瓦砌成)、euglossine bees([昆] 长舌花蜂)等常见短语中出现较多。

bees蜂 蜜蜂 的复数
Masonn. 泥瓦匠, 共济会会员\nvt. 用砖瓦砌成
euglossine bees[昆] 长舌花蜂
german bees[网络] 德国蜜蜂\n(german bee 的复数)
honey bees[网络] 蜜蜂;浓越咖啡
italian bees[网络] 意大利蜜蜂;意大利蜂;意大利种蜜蜂\n(italian bee 的复数)
leafcutter bees[网络] 切叶蜂
line bees[网络] 线蜜蜂
mining beesun. 潜花蜂\n[网络] 地花蜂科


1. [Churchill] ♪ Near it the bees in play ♪ (翻译:[ Churchill ] *music* 蜜蜂在旁边嗡嗡叫着 *music*)

2. The myriads of bees in the hive. (翻译:蜂窝里有无数的蜜蜂。)

3. We haven't officially met. Mason Braverman. (翻译:我们没有正式访问 我是Mason Braverman)

4. It's said that for bees, the flower is the fountain of life, and for flowers bees are the messengers of love. (翻译:人们说花是蜜蜂的生命之源, 而蜜蜂是花爱的使者。)

5. Mason/Rodriguez, June '78. (翻译:我绝不会忘记 xx年xx月梅森对罗瑞格斯的比赛)

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7. But Mason is protecting his flanks. (翻译:但梅森正在捍卫自己的侧翼。)

8. Only one ever came out, a boy called Ryan Mason. (翻译:只有一个孩子出来了 名叫Ryan Mason)

9. Look, Mason, you're not my superior. I don't take my orders from you. (翻译:听着 Mason 你不是我的上司 我不必听你的命令)

10. Hmm,did I mention that he's professor mason's T.A.? (翻译:嗯 我有提过 他是Mason教授的助教吗?)

11. Killer bees, also known as "Africanized" bees. (翻译:那些杀人蜂,也被称为非洲蜂, 我感到很害怕。)

12. To attract the bees,we need to offer them.. (翻译:为了吸引蜜蜂 我们要介绍给他们 To attract the bees,we need to offer them..)

13. Nick and Sara need some fresh eyes on the Mason case. (翻译:Nick和Sara在Mason案上需要新观点)

14. Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent. (翻译:Mason Rutledge 你有权利保持缄默 Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent.)

15. He knows that Damon killed Mason. I didn't say a word. It's that woman Jules. (翻译:他知道是Damon杀了Mason 我什么也没说)


mason bees作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、mason、bee/1、s等。

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