rokhah是什么意思 rokhah的中文翻译、读音、例句

rokhah是什么意思 rokhah的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The meeting is to be held on Jeju Island of the ROK from May 29 to 30. (此次会议将于xx月xx日至xx日在韩国济州岛举行。)


例句:On June 21, 2004, the China-Japan-ROK Tripartite Committee held the first meeting in Qingdao. (xx年xx月xx日,中日韩三方委员会首次会议在中国青岛举行。)


例句:China-Japan-ROK cooperation is an important part of East Asian cooperation. (中日韩合作是东亚合作的重要组成部分。)


rokhah一般作为名词使用,如在Rokhah([地名] 罗哈 ( 阿富 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Rokhah[地名] 罗哈 ( 阿富 )


1. China-Japan-ROK cooperation is an important part of East Asian cooperation. (翻译:中日韩合作是东亚合作的重要组成部分。)

2. Jin Songzi, 48, says herson is working in Dalian, as a translator at a company that trades with ROK. (翻译:xx岁的金松子说儿子在大连工作,为一家从事对韩贸易的公司做翻译。)

3. Did you know former President Teddy Roosevelt was an American? -Oh! Hah! -That's it! (翻译:你知道前任总统泰迪?罗斯福是美国人吗?-哦!哈!-对!)

4. Hi! -Hah! Bee! -Then there was a dust buster, a toupee, a life raft exploded. . . (翻译:嗨!-啊!蜜蜂!-然后一个吸尘器,一顶假发,一个救生筏爆炸了…)

5. AG: It's not the end of the world. Back then, everything felt like the end of the world. My parents knew nothing. Hah. (翻译:那不是世界的终结。回溯一下,任何事情都感觉像是世界末日。我的父母却一无所知,哈哈。)

6. He said that the CPPCC shares traditional friendly relations with the ROK National Assembly. (翻译:他说,中国全国政协与韩国国会有着传统友好关系。)

7. Hah, by crossing the Hindu Kush with the storm blowing? You attract troubles like flies around rotting mango and your insane... (翻译:瓳玙帝‵剐忌禫砍常畐ぐ 硂琌帝锣щ璍临琌或帝)

8. Joong-Ang Libo of the ROK: Have the parties reached consensus on the establishment of a working group during the talks? (翻译:韩国《中央日报》:会谈期间,各方有没有达成组建工作组的共识?)

9. You get something every trip, hah? (翻译:你每次旅行都会拿到一些纪念品? )

10. Yang said that China is ready to work closely with the ROK to push for new development of the trilateral cooperation. (翻译:杨洁篪表示,中方愿同韩方密切配合,推动中日韩三国合作取得新进展。)

11. Not convinced? How about this? While you were being crowned the God of War, I was sent to find an apple. They called them labours, Hah! (翻译:还没有说服力?这个怎么样,当你加冕为战神的时候,我被派去寻找一个苹果,他们管这叫伟绩?哈!)

12. The Japanese and ROK leaders agreed with China?s suggestion. (翻译:日韩领导人对中方的建议表示赞成。)

13. 11. Republic of Korea (ROK) soldiers march in typical column formation toward the front in August, 1950, during the Pusan Perimeter battle. (翻译:11.xx年xx月,参加釜山外围战的大韩民国士兵列队开往前线,公路的旁边是水稻田。)

14. I said, "Hah! A ratio -- that wouldn't have been as exact!" (翻译:我说,“哈!因为用比率 就没有那么准确了!” )

15. Senior military officer from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Jo Myong Rok, has died of heart disease aged 82. (翻译:朝鲜人民民主主义共和国高级军官赵明录因心脏病逝世,享年xx岁。)

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