mastercard是什么意思 mastercard的中文翻译、读音、例句

mastercard是什么意思 mastercard的中文翻译、读音、例句

'MasterCard'是英语,中文翻译为“万事达卡”,是一种国际信用卡品牌。MasterCard公司成立于xx年,总部位于美国纽约州的珂罗岛,是世界上最大的信用卡品牌之一,与Visa、American Express等并列为世界三大信用卡组织。使用MasterCard可以在全球范围内进行交易,方便快捷。


1. I prefer to use my MasterCard when I travel abroad because it's widely accepted.(我出国旅行时喜欢用万事达卡,因为它在世界范围内广泛接受。)

2. Can I pay with my MasterCard for this online purchase?(我可以用我的万事达卡进行在线购物支付吗?)

3. The MasterCard logo is visible on the door of this shop, so they accept it here.(这家商店门口有万事达卡标志,所以他们在这里接受它。)

4. If you lose your MasterCard, you need to contact the bank immediately to report it.(如果你丢失了万事达卡,你需要立即联系银行报告。)

5. He applied for a MasterCard, but he was rejected because of his bad credit history.(他申请了一张万事达卡,但因为他的不良信用历史被拒绝了。)

6. With a MasterCard, you can earn bonus points and redeem them for travel or merchandise.(有了万事达卡,你可以赚取积分并兑换旅行或商品。)

7. My MasterCard statement shows that I spent too much money on dining out last month.(我的万事达卡账单显示我上个月在外面吃饭花费太多。)

8. The MasterCard contactless payment system allows you to make purchases with just a tap of your card.(万事达卡无需接触付款系统只需轻轻一点就可以进行购买。)

9. I had to replace my old MasterCard because it had expired, and I received a new one in the mail.(我不得不更换我的旧万事达卡,因为它已经过期了,然后我在邮件中收到了一张新卡。)

mastercard是一种国际信用卡品牌。它由美国万事达卡公司(Mastercard Worldwide)所拥有,该公司担任品牌发行商、媒介及交易处理商。其标志为两个重叠的圆圈——一个红色的圆圈和一个黄色的圆圈。

读音:['mæstər kɑːd]


1. I paid for my hotel room with my Mastercard.


2. Mastercard is accepted at most stores and restaurants around the world.





例句:If you eat the fly, $3,622 will be credited to your account, exactly what Shelby owes on her MasterCard. (如果你吃了苍蝇,3622美元 将记 您的帐户, 正是谢尔比 欠她的万事达卡。)


例句:Isn't it a fact you owed $12,000 on your MasterCard? (万事达卡上还欠着1万2000美元是属实的吧?)


1. Oh, and by the way, if you're watching this, I put it on your MasterCard. (翻译:哦 对了 顺便说一下 如果你在看的话 我是用你的信用卡买的)

2. PCI DSS is governed by a consortium of five large credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB. (翻译:PCIDSS由五家大型的信用卡公司协会控制,这五家公司是:Visa、万事达、美国运通、Discover和JCB。)

3. He took your Visa, your MasterCard, your American Express... (翻译:他拿走了你的签证 万事达信用卡 美国运通卡...)

4. Bross began his career at General Electric and later had technology jobs at Citicorp and MasterCard International. (翻译:布罗斯起初在通用开始职业生涯,随后在花旗银行和万事达卡国际组织从事技术工作。)

5. Even if they carry a MasterCard or Visa logo, debit CARDS typically do not include CDW coverage. (翻译:有些借记卡卡面也有万事达和维萨的logo,但借记卡通常有不附带车损险。)

6. Visa and MasterCard said the companies would not be impacted by the legislation because they do not charge interchange fees. (翻译:Visa和万事达则表示,公司业绩不会受到国会立法的冲击,因为他们本身不收取手续费。)

7. The card-payment companies MasterCard and Visa are pushing hard for change. (翻译:万事达卡和维萨这两家信用卡支付公司正在努力推动变革。)

8. A spokesman for MasterCard in the U. S. said the company had no comment on Visa's action. (翻译:美国万事达卡的一位发言人说,该公司对Visa的行为不予置评。)

9. Just to be sure, Mr Banga negotiated a $4. 2m signing bonus that would have been his if MasterCard failed to make good on its promise. (翻译:为了确保万无一失,彭安杰商定了一笔420万美元的签约费,如果万事达未能兑现承诺,这笔钱将归他所有。)

10. They temporarily brought down the websites of credit card firms Visa and MasterCard, as well as that of the Swedish government, last week. (翻译:他们上周就使维萨和万事达两家信用卡公司以及瑞典政府的网站暂时瘫痪了。)

11. Money is not everything. There's MasterCard. (翻译:钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。)

12. About a year ago, MasterCard (MA) launched a process it calls "dynamic strategy. " (翻译:大约xx年前,万事达卡推出了一个叫“动态策略”的项目。)

13. You can protest, stand on your rights as a credit-worthy customer of Visa, MasterCard or American Express, and ask to see the manager. (翻译:你可以投诉,维护自己作为维萨,万事达或美国运通的信用客户的权益,还可以要求见经理。)

14. Miss Biasi, according to your records here, you owe $12,000 on your MasterCard. (翻译:比亚西小姐,万事达卡的记录显示你 已经欠款1万2000元)

15. No, I'm here to tell you you owe MasterCard 4068 bucks. (翻译:不是,我来告诉你 你的万事达卡拖欠4068块钱)



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