rosenbrock function是什么意思 rosenbrock function的中文翻译、读音、例句

rosenbrock function是什么意思 rosenbrock function的中文翻译、读音、例句

rosenbrock function的中文解释是"罗森布罗克函数",在日常中也代表"罗森布罗克函数"的意思,发音音标为[rosenbrockfunction],rosenbrock function是一个英语名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到40个与rosenbrock function相关的例句。

Rosenbrock function的中文翻译


例句:Physical pain serves a function. (肉体上的痛苦是有用的 Physical pain serves a function.)


rosenbrock function一般作为名词使用,如在Rosenbrock function(罗森布罗克函数)、rosenbrock(n. (Rosenbrock)人名;(德)罗森布罗克)、rosenbrock test function(洛森布骆克检定函数)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rosenbrock function罗森布罗克函数
rosenbrockn. (Rosenbrock)人名;(德)罗森布罗克
rosenbrock test function洛森布骆克检定函数
Rosenbrock's method罗森布鲁克法
function as起…作用
the function函数; 功能
Dickman function[网络] 迪克曼功能
dielectric function介电函数;电介质函数
difference function差函数


1. Use that function in the following format: @@uft: PID: *: picked_function: entry. For example (翻译:按以下格式使用这个函数:@@uft:PID:*:picked_function:entry。)

2. What is the performative function? (翻译:什么是行事功能? )

3. what function do you perform in the department? (翻译:不 大臣是问 你在这个部门任什么职务? what function do you perform in the department?)

4. The informative function is the premise, while the vocative function serves as the ultimate goal. (翻译:信息功能是前提,祈使功能是最终要达到的目的。)

5. The crucial function of art is to tell the truth. (翻译:艺术作品的关键作用就是道出真相 The crucial function of art is to tell the truth,)

6. The ARRAY_AGG function is a column function that aggregates values into an array. (翻译:ARRAY_AGG函数是将值汇集到阵列中的列函数。)

7. The Function of the Claustrum? (翻译:屏状核的功能。)

8. Note that this follows a standard convention for the naming of reentrant function by suffixing the function name with "_r" . (翻译:注意,这里遵循了标准惯例,通过向函数名添加“_r”后缀来命名可重入函数。)

9. Write an index_function that will generate a key that can be used for sorting each element of the unsorted list. (翻译:编写一个index_function生成一个键,该键用于对未排序列表的元素进行排序。)

10. The function mechanism divides into the basic function mechanism, crosswise function mechanism, longitudinal function mechanism. (翻译:作用机制分为基本作用机制,横向作用机制,纵向作用机制。)

11. Copy the SQPLTRC executable into sqllib \ function \ unfenced. (翻译:将sqpltrc可执行文件复制到sqllib \ function \ unfenced中。)

12. This type of object is known as a functor or function object. (翻译:这种类型的对象称为functor或者function object。)

13. The inverse function of that restricted cosine function is called the arccosine function. (翻译:被限定的余弦函数之反函数叫做反余弦函数。)

14. It is what makes you function; it is what makes every organism function. (翻译:是它使你有各种机能 是它使每一个有机体实现各自的功能 )

15. To a substantially higher function level. (翻译:让脑部功能大幅度上升 to a substantially higher function level.)

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