例句:Eating P-chan is cruel and heartless. (我还是觉得把小P吃掉的话 对小P来说太可怜太残酷了)
例句:Click on the SFTP TAB. (单击sft p选项卡。)
1. These setpoints can be adjusted via control parameters P01 and P02. (翻译:这些设定点可以通过调整控制参数P 01和P 02。)
2. So why exactly did you not make love to Ros with the perfect--? (翻译:那到底为什么 So why exactly 你不肯和那个萝丝做 -)
3. In this review, we focus on JNK-mediated signaling pathways and the role of ROS in these pathways. (翻译:本文将主要总结JNK介导的信号转导途径及活性氧在这一途径中所发挥的作用。)
4. P-P-Parker, the lasers are on! (翻译:P -P -Parker 激光打开了 别动)
5. As most of you know, yesterday ros and I had a narrow escape. (翻译:yesterday ros and I had a narrow escape.)
6. Get a summary of regexp options. (翻译:获得regex p选项摘要。)
7. It would take millions. But of course, what I'm describing is P2P file sharing. (翻译:但当然,我刚才不过是在描述P2P文件共享的一些特性 )
8. Check out the PSP Top 200, an online ranking directory of PSP sites. (翻译:查看PS p Top 200,一个在线的PS p站点排行目录。)
9. - Okay, please just listen. (翻译:p -please just listen.)
10. Ros and Guil, cued by Hamlet, also bow deeply. (翻译:罗斯和吉尔在哈姆雷特的暗示下,也深深地鞠了个躬。)
11. When can a P-2 or P-3... challenge for a spot on the field? (翻译:什么时候一个P -2级或P -3级的...)
12. CMP Fields and Naming conventions. (翻译:CM p字段和命名约定。)
13. Prof. P.P. Preobrazhensky, Assisted by: (翻译:菲利泊维奇教授, 助手是I. A. 伯蒙弗埃尔医生)
14. If you like redheads, ask for Ros. (翻译:如果你喜欢红头发, 去找萝丝吧. If you like redheads, ask for Ros.)
15. What happens when you feed a 1080p signal to 720p TV? (翻译:当你将1080p电视信号转换为720p会发生什么? )