rotary impeller是什么意思 rotary impeller的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotary impeller是什么意思 rotary impeller的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotary impeller在英语中代表"转叶轮"的意思,在日常中也代表"转叶轮"的意思,单词读音音标为[rotaryimpeller],rotary impeller是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到84个与rotary impeller相关的句子。

Rotary impeller的中文翻译


例句:Rotary kiln is the central equipment of NSP production line. (回转窑是新型干法生产的中心设备。)


rotary impeller一般作为名词使用,如在rotary impeller exhauster(叶轮式排气机)、impeller(叶轮 )、rotary(旋转的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

rotary impeller exhauster叶轮式排气机
disk impeller盘式激动器;轮盘搅拌器
enclosed impeller[化] 闭式叶轮
fan impeller[化] 风扇叶轮
governor impeller调速叶轮泵,旋转阻尼
hooded impeller闭式叶轮;闭式轮
impeller agitator[化] 叶轮搅拌器


1. Effect of Interaction between Centrifugal Impeller and Volute Tongue on the Performance and BPF Noise (翻译:叶片与蜗舌耦合对离心风机性能和旋转噪声影响的数值研究)

2. The granules used in this work were produced at three different impeller speeds in a high shear granulator. (翻译:这项工作使用的颗粒是在三种不同速度的叶轮高剪切造粒下产生的。)

3. The accounts of official Rotary regional magazines are to be audited and a report made annually to the publications' subscribers . (翻译:扶轮公式地域杂志的帐务需要接受稽核,并每年对出版物的订阅者们提出一份报告。)

4. Closed structure impeller: adopt excellent hydraulic mode efficient, highly resistant to capitation erosion. (翻译:闭式结构叶轮:采用优秀的水力模型,效率高,抗汽蚀性能强。)

5. Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. (翻译:在转盘下安放永久导向基板。)

6. The rotor of the PMSM is fixed to the pump impeller of the artificial heart, and is levitated by a magnetic bearing. (翻译:电机转子安装在人工心脏泵的叶轮上,并因电磁轴承的作用而悬浮。)

7. Rotary shaft lip type seals for automobils; test; skittle measuring mandrel (翻译:汽车用唇型旋转轴密封环.检验.锥度测量心棒)

8. The Study of an El astic-plastic Constitutive Model and Its Application on a Gas Turbine Impeller (翻译:弹塑性本构模型研究及在燃气轮机叶轮中应用)

9. Groups such Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and Optimists have weekly meetings with speakers. (翻译:扶轮社,基瓦尼斯俱乐部,狮子会,乐观会等团体每周都会与演讲者开会。)

10. Model SPK36B series NC rotary tailstock is one of the accessories for the NC rotary table. (翻译:系列数控回转尾座是数控回转工作台配套附件。)

11. The utility model discloses a centrifugal impeller inducer device of a compressor, which is milled by a common milling machine. (翻译:本实用新型公开了一种普通铣床铣制离心式压缩机导风叶轮的装置。)

12. We're Interactors, the youngest department of Rotary International. (翻译:我们是社友, 我们组成了国际扶轮社 最年轻的部门。)

13. for all intents and purposes, an annual gathering of Rotary leaders and shapers of our movement's future devoted to Rotary learning. (翻译:它亦是每年扶轮领导人和我们运动的未来的塑造者聚集,为所有意图和目的,一起致力于扶轮学习。)

14. That summer, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week. (翻译:整个夏天,Carly和家人一起走遍了俄亥俄州,一周内走访了Rotary俱乐部近四分之三的成员。)

15. The Wankel-type rotary engines are very reliable because of their simplicity. (翻译:汪克尔式转子发动机结构简单,非常可靠。)

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