mastodonsaurids是什么意思 mastodonsaurids的中文翻译、读音、例句

mastodonsaurids是什么意思 mastodonsaurids的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:- Zero to zero, there is no such thing in tennis. (Y a pas de match nul au tennis.)


1. I'm Au Yiang Chek, Chairman of Aiding Student Group (翻译:Chairman of Aiding Student Group)

2. You can go to the cemetery later. (翻译:你一会再去墓地 Tu iras au cimetière plus tard.)

3. - Where they have been standing for 10 years. - Ah! (翻译:位置xx年都没变过 Au même endroit depuis 10 ans.)

4. The retrieved RIDs are sorted and used to read the Orders table in a skip scan. (翻译:检索到的RID被分类并用于跳跃式地读取Orders表。)

5. Why here and not the office? (翻译:为什么寄到这儿不寄到办公室 Pourquoi ici, et pas au bureau?)

6. - It is in memory of the bad old times. (翻译:我高兴 Ca me fait plaisir, 为了那不好的旧时光 au souvenir du mauvais vieux temps.)

7. Believe in love at first sight? (翻译:你相信一见钟情吗 Tu crois au coup de foudre?)

8. Elisabeth Garaud-Larchet is a French teacher (翻译:再见 Aller, au revoir. 伊丽莎白·卡劳·拉尔舍 Elisabeth Garaud)

9. Come quick, the maniac is back! (翻译:快来 那个狂躁症患者又来了 救命 Venez vite, le maniaque est revenu... Au secours! Il a...)

10. Let's be lucid and death to sucide. (翻译:本应有自知之明 却死于自我了结 Soyons lucides et mort au suicide)

11. The fish is served au naturel, uncooked and with nothing added. (翻译:这条鱼是生吃的,未经蒸煮,也没加任何调味品。)

12. Help! The Turks are charging! (翻译:救命呀 土耳其人攻击啦 Au secours, les Turcs chargent!)

13. Never have so many human mastodons bestridden the earth as now. (翻译:肥胖的人从来没有像今天这么多。)

14. axes less than 1. 0 AU and aphelion distances greater than 0. 983 AU; (翻译:半长轴小于1个天文单位,远日点大于0。983天文单位;)

15. You are pulled to the bottom. (翻译:您会被拖进河底 然后一下就解脱了 vous allez entrainer au fond...)

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