rubbing strip是什么意思 rubbing strip的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubbing strip是什么意思 rubbing strip的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubbing strip在中文中有"擦摩板条、网络"的意思,其中文解释还有"护舷材"的意思,发音是[rubbingstrip],rubbing strip在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到67个与rubbing strip相关的例句。

Rubbing strip的中文翻译


例句:Rubbing Processing Ensilage of Corn Straw for Comprehensive Utilization of the Crop Straws (实施秸秆揉丝包膜青贮技术促进秸秆综合利用)

例句:He called, yawning and rubbing his eyes. (他打着哈欠,揉着眼睛,喊道。)


例句:Stay herein this rundown strip mall? (你就想待在这个破败的购物中心里,和一群疯疯癫癫的蜗牛)


例句:It was Crimea, Kashmir, and the Gaza Strip all rolled into one. (翻译:就像是克里米亚 克什米尔 It was Crimea, Kashmir, 还有加沙地带的结合体 and the Gaza Strip all rolled into one.)


rubbing strip一般作为名词使用,如在wood rubbing strip((护舷木桩前的)木擦条)、rubbing in(na. 把…用力擦进去;〔俚语〕反反复复说)、rubbing it in(反复讲别人不爱听的事;(故意)触人痛处)等常见短语中出现较多。

wood rubbing strip(护舷木桩前的)木擦条
rubbing inna. 把…用力擦进去;〔俚语〕反反复复说
rubbing it in反复讲别人不爱听的事;(故意)触人痛处
strip ... ofun. 剥去;剥掉;剥夺;失去\n[网络] 除去
strip .of剥夺
strip of剥夺,搬掉
The Strip[网络] 拉斯维加斯大道;长街;条带区
fastness to rubbing[化] 耐磨牢度; 耐磨色牢度
ointment rubbing膏摩


1. Stay herein this rundown strip mall? (翻译:你就想待在这个破败的购物中心里,和一群疯疯癫癫的蜗牛)

2. It was Crimea, Kashmir, and the Gaza Strip all rolled into one. (翻译:就像是克里米亚 克什米尔 It was Crimea, Kashmir, 还有加沙地带的结合体 and the Gaza Strip all rolled into one.)

3. Stop worrying so much. Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today ofits joy. (翻译:不要杞人忧天。烦恼并不会减少明天的负担,却会失去今天的快乐。)

4. The main title of a rubbing, and other titles, for instance, oracle bone rubbings . (翻译:拓片之主要名称、与其他名称,例如甲骨文拓片。)

5. The wheel is rubbing on the mudguard. (翻译:车轮蹭着挡泥板了。)

6. Did you enjoy that, Rubbing it in to alaric saltzman? (翻译:你很享受吗 对著Alaric Saltzman落井下石?)

7. I'm rubbing cream on my hands. Do you know why I'm rubbing cream on my hands? (翻译:不,因为我的手不再像以前那么 柔软光滑了。)

8. Just like rubbing your hands together warms them up or rubbing two sticks together makes fire, the faster objects rub together, the more heat is generated. (翻译:就像你搓手可以使手暖和起来 或者钻木取火 物体摩擦的越快 温度上升的高 )

9. Strip mining deforms the landscape. (翻译:露天开采毁掉了风景。)

10. Now you're just rubbing it in. (翻译:现在它要开始报复了 Now you are just rubbing it in.)

11. If he decides to strip us both of our positions, he will. (翻译:要是他打算剥掉我们俩的官服 他就能做到 If he decides to strip us both of our positions, he will.)

12. I will rip your skin off, strip by strip. (翻译:Or I swear 一刀一刀地割 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}strip by strip.)

13. When we were questioning Julian, he was rubbing his hands. (翻译:he was rubbing his hands.)

14. ♪ 77 Sunset Strip ♪ and Richard Long (翻译:77号日落大道 77 Sunset Strip 以及理查德·朗 And Richard Long.)

15. This little itty bitty strip here is all I got. (翻译:我也只是卖些零零碎碎的东西 This little itty bitty strip here is all I got.)

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