rubeosis iridis diabetica是什么意思 rubeosis iridis diabetica的中文翻译、读音

rubeosis iridis diabetica是什么意思 rubeosis iridis diabetica的中文翻译、读音

rubeosis iridis diabetica通常被翻译为"医"的意思,其中文解释还有"糖尿病性虹膜发红"的意思,在线发音:[rubeosisiridisdiabetica],rubeosis iridis diabetica是一个英语名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到70个与rubeosis iridis diabetica相关的例句。

Rubeosis iridis diabetica的中文翻译


例句:Rub the angry out of the tummy. (揉揉肚子就不生气了啊 Rub the angry out of the tummy.)


例句:You can rub your own chest. (你可以自己抹胸口的 You can rub your own chest.)


rubeosis iridis diabetica一般作为名词使用,如在rubeosis iridis([网络] 虹膜红变;虹膜发红;虹膜新生血管丛)、rubeosis faciei diabetica(糖尿病性颜面发红)、rubeosis(n. [医](虹膜的)发红,潮红)等常见短语中出现较多。

rubeosis iridis[网络] 虹膜红变;虹膜发红;虹膜新生血管丛
rubeosis faciei diabetica糖尿病性颜面发红
rubeosisn. [医](虹膜的)发红,潮红
iridis[网络] 虹膜
rubeosis of iris虹膜红变
neurotabes diabetica[医] 糖尿病性[假]脊髓痨
xanthosis diabetica[医] 糖尿病性黄皮症
didymium iridis钙皮黏菌
dilator iridis[医] 瞳孔开大肌


1. The disease can lead to servere complications including diabetic foot pain, diabetic neuropathy. (翻译:这种疾病可能引发严重的并发症,如:糖尿病足部病变、糖尿病性神经病等。)

2. Please, rub it for me, darling. (翻译:Please, rub it for me, darling.)

3. I rub my fingers with it every morning. (翻译:我每天早上都用它磨手 I rub my fingers with it every morning.)

4. All you said was I had to get rid of things. (翻译:你只说过 All you said 我要处理掉它们 was I had to get rid of things.)

5. Think of a way to get rid of these handcuffs. (翻译:Think of a way to get rid of these handcuffs.)

6. Conclusion diabetic health education can improve the DKS and glucose metabolism in diabetic patients. (翻译:结论糖尿病健康教育有提高糖尿病知识及改善代谢的作用。)

7. He was just supposed to get rid of the call. (翻译:He was just supposed to get rid of the call. -没说任何关于)

8. Well, that gets rid of her, anyway. (翻译:好了,可以甩掉她了 Well, that gets rid of her, anyway.)

9. Well, get rid of it, then. (翻译:呃 那就流掉 Well, get rid of it, then.)

10. Mm. Death by diabetic ketoacidosis. (翻译:都死于糖尿病酮症酸中毒 {\3cH000000}Death by diabetic ketoacidosis.)

11. I came here to tell you to look in the mirror and get rid of him. (翻译:我来是想让你照照镜子 I came here to tell you to look in the mirror 然后摆脱他 and get rid of him.)

12. ...Ad ligandum eos pariter (翻译:ad ligandum eos pariter)

13. In this case, we can see a laser sintering machine developed by EOS. (翻译:这个例子中,我们看到EOS造的一个激光烧结机 )

14. The Canon EOS 20d has a little wheel on top of it (on the left) with lots of little ICONS on it. (翻译:Can on EOS 20d上左部有个小轮,上面有诸多小图标。)

15. And, to get rid of the pay-offs. (翻译:揪出那些国家养着的蛀虫 And, to get rid of the pay)

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