sacramentaries是什么意思 sacramentaries的中文翻译、读音、例句

sacramentaries是什么意思 sacramentaries的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:What is a sacrament? (问: 圣事是什么? )


例句:Friday's spring equinox will bring the Sun into Aries and a lively social life to your doorstep . (周五的春分点将把太阳带入白羊座并且把真实的社会生活带到你的门槛。)


例句:Unlike Aquarius' teamwork approach to life, Aries is all about racing to the top and being number one. (与水瓶座团队的生活态度,白羊座是所有关于赛车的最高得到第一名。)


例句:He was at Blessed Sacrament back in '62, and he saw Geoghan (翻译:他在xx年参加一次圣餐时 见到吉欧根...)


1. Unlike Aquarius' teamwork approach to life, Aries is all about racing to the top and being number one. (翻译:与水瓶座团队的生活态度,白羊座是所有关于赛车的最高得到第一名。)

2. He was at Blessed Sacrament back in '62, and he saw Geoghan (翻译:他在xx年参加一次圣餐时 见到吉欧根...)

3. The externalising of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem. (翻译:白羊座有着外在过人的精力很难被征服,但是他们通常无法理性地认识这个问题。)

4. Attached Aries won't have to be concerned about this, because you know your partner better. (翻译:有伴的白羊则不会有此顾虑,因为你相对更了解你的伴侣。)

5. Aries people are active , have excellent muscle coordination , and are noted for their energetic * uality. (翻译:白羊座人是活跃的,有优秀的肌肉协调能力,他们以精力充沛而闻名。)

6. Mars in Aries is in a weak place in your chart, so bide your time until June to strike with major plans and events. (翻译:火星位于白羊座,这在你的星盘上是个弱势的部分,所以等到xx月份在开展你的大型计划或者事件把。)

7. And we cannot simply award this deviant path by allowing them the sacred sacrament of marriage. (翻译:我们可以不奖励 不同的道路 允许他们 结婚。)

8. May I have the Holy Sacrament placed in my room, so I may pray for mercy? (翻译:可否在我房间放置圣餐礼台 May I have the Holy Sacrament placed in my room, 以求怜悯 so I may pray for mercy?)

9. So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller. (翻译:所以黄道带中的孩子——白羊座,在一个关系圈中往往是活跃分子,并想成为其中的主导者。)

10. Everything that occurs between you... becomes a sacrament, don't you see? (翻译:你们之间发生的一切 都是神圣的仪式,你明白吗?)

11. Such is the origin of the legal consecration of the establishment of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at Paris. (翻译:这就是本笃会修女们在巴黎建立圣体永敬会的起源和法律根据。)

12. Because companionship is so essential to Aries. (翻译:因为对白羊座的人来说, 友谊真是太重要了)

13. But touching the sacrament like some piece of bread... that's much worse. (翻译:更赞的是,可以用双手触摸至圣所 如同一块面包)

14. Aries is ruled by the forceful Mars. Arians are good athletes, doctors, explorers, soldiers, and leaders. (翻译:火星是白羊座的守护星,他们将是很好的运动员、医生、探险家、军人和领导人。)

15. Aries can often think about themselves first. (翻译:白羊座的人可能通常先想到自己。)



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