safety condition是什么意思 safety condition的中文翻译、读音、例句

safety condition是什么意思 safety condition的中文翻译、读音、例句

safety condition在中文中有"安全条件"的意思,在日常中也代表"安全条件"的意思,单词读音音标为[safetycondition],safety condition在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到17个与safety condition相关的句子。

Safety condition的翻译


例句:I forgot to take off the safety. (我忘了开保险 I forgot to take off the safety.)


safety condition一般作为名词使用,如在safety(安全 )、for safety(为了安全起见,以保证安全)、in safety(平安地)等常见短语中出现较多。

for safety为了安全起见,以保证安全
in safety平安地
with safety安全地,平安地
in condition健康状况好, 保存得好
in no condition身体状况不适合\n情况不妙\n没有资格
is in condition合用
on condition接通条件


1. Now just relax and enjoy the ride. (翻译:Your safety is our main concern. Now just relax and enjoy the ride.)

2. But he got one condition in the contract. (翻译:但是在合约中有一项但书 But he got one condition in the contract.)

3. Safety first, CASE, remember. (翻译:Safety first, CASE, remember.)

4. So hang back, play safety for us. (翻译:你断后 保证我们的后方安全 So hang back, play safety for us.)

5. I can release you, but I have a condition. (翻译:but I have a condition.)

6. On condition you move on out of these parts. (翻译:只要你赶紧离开这里 On condition you move on out of these parts.)

7. Yeah, Which I then stowed in a safety deposit box. (翻译:Which I then stowed in a safety deposit box.)

8. There is safety in numbers. (翻译:There is safety in numbers. 它们具有数量优势)

9. This place is contravening health and safety on... just about every single level. (翻译:This place is contravening health and safety 这个地方既不健康也不安全 on...)

10. I was focused on his medical condition. (翻译:我的关注点在他的疾病上 I was focused on his medical condition.)

11. I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore. (翻译:详尽的安全手册让您来无视 safety briefing for you to enitrely ignore.)

12. CHY-1 safety protective device of switching off remotely the air supply during power lost condition (翻译:CHY-1型遥控失电自动切断气源安全保护装置)

13. She had a degenerative bone condition. (翻译:她得的是骨质退化 She had a degenerative bone condition.)

14. The truth about your condition came out? (翻译:要被公之于众时发生了什么吗 the truth about your condition came out?)

15. If you have questions about your condition, notify your doctor or health and safety official for immediate attention. (翻译:如果您对自己的情况还有任何疑问 请联系您的医生或者健康与安全部门 以获得即时帮助)

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