sageretia pycnophylla是什么意思 sageretia pycnophylla的中文翻译、读音、例句

sageretia pycnophylla是什么意思 sageretia pycnophylla的中文翻译、读音、例句

sageretia pycnophylla通常被翻译为"对节刺"的意思,还有对节刺的意思,在线读音是[sageretiapycnophylla],sageretia pycnophylla在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到33个与sageretia pycnophylla相关的句子。

Sageretia pycnophylla的翻译


例句:Better than the Space-mountain, Santa Claus, (胜过过山车 圣诞圆舞曲 Le space -mountain, la ronde du Père -Noël,)


sageretia pycnophylla一般作为名词使用,如在Sageretia pycnophylla(n. 对节刺)、Sageretia(n. 雀梅藤属)、Sageretia brandrethiana(n. 窄叶雀梅藤)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sageretia pycnophyllan. 对节刺
Sageretian. 雀梅藤属
Sageretia brandrethianan. 窄叶雀梅藤
Sageretia gracilisn. 纤细雀梅藤
Sageretia hamosan. 钩刺雀梅藤
Sageretia henryin. 梗花雀梅藤
Sageretia horridan. 凹叶雀梅藤
Sageretia laxifloran. 疏花雀梅藤
Sageretia lucidan. 亮叶雀梅藤
Sageretia mellianan. 刺藤子


1. I always see this picture, when I saw your parents for the first time. (翻译:第一次见到你父母的场景 la première fois que je les ai vus.)

2. Qe've come for Great Tiger's witch. (翻译:我们来找猛虎的巫师 On vient chercher la sorcière du Tigre Royal.)

3. - ♪ And it looks like you're gonna get some of the pie ♪ - ♪ La la la-la-la ♪ (翻译:- 它看起来像你会得到一些馅饼 - 啦啦啦,啦啦)

4. Three were found to have lived at La Chimere. Commissioner, I don't understand. (翻译:有三位曾住在奇美拉 Three were found to have lived at La Chimère.)

:// (翻译://

6. Compounds derived from hydrocyanic acid containing the -cn group or the CN - ion. (翻译:由氢氰酸衍生的化合物,含有CN基团或CN -离子。)

7. I have evidence proving your innocence. (翻译:我有证据证明你的 nevinov? tia。)

8. We're going to do the tongue next with exaggerated la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. (翻译:下一个是舌头, 夸张的啦,啦,啦,啦…… )

9. Come and see Zarafa, France's first giraffe! (翻译:快来看扎拉法 法国第一只长颈鹿 Venez voir Zarafa, la première girafe de France,)

10. -Yeah... IthinkIknow...attheExpectantMother. Hetoldme ,IthinkIknow...attheExpectantMother. (翻译:- 我想可以,在la Mére Tardu 他回答我说他觉得可以,la Mére Tardu)

11. I brought a 2005 Chateau de la Vere. (翻译:我带了xx年的Chateau de la Vère)

12. - We are leaving with the witch! (翻译:我们要带着猛虎的巫师走 Nous partons avec la sorcière du Tigre Royal!)

13. su-la-la su-la-la ah-ah-ah-o- de-la-gi-la su-la-la ah... (翻译:SU一LA一LA SU一LA一LA Ah一Ah一Ah一O- DE一―COME ON一LA SU一LA一LA AH...)

14. Tia: Why limit myself? (翻译:蒂雅:为什么要限制自己呢? )

15. * Sing sha-la-la,la-la-la-la Sha-la-la-la...* (翻译:* Sing sha -la -la,la)

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