salicylanilides是什么意思 salicylanilides的中文翻译、读音、例句

salicylanilides是什么意思 salicylanilides的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:At least he was with you thickest friends, right? (你们俩很情投意合吧 Vous avez des affinités, non?)


例句:Sacred cows from Tibet. Tibet? (它们是西藏来的圣牛 Des vaches sacrées du Tibet.)


1. You, my dear, in pain hall you bring forth children, wear high heels, undergo diets, exfoliation, face-lifts, and what's more, you'll have to cook! (翻译:小女孩 你将来要经历生产的痛苦 Ma petite fille, tu accoucheras dans la douleur. 要穿针一般细的高跟鞋 Tu porteras des talons aiguilles, 你要忍受减肥 吃避孕药 tu subiras des régimes, des pillings,)

2. Significance of Carcinoembryonic Antigen and Salic Acid in Saliva of Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oral and Maxillofacial Region (翻译:唾液中唾液酸、癌胚抗原测定在口腔鳞癌诊断中的意义)

3. Palais des Sports, the Gare de Lyon over here. (翻译:Palais des Sports场馆群和Gare de Lyon火车站在这边)

4. Now.. words beginning with "A". (翻译:现在列举以A开头的动物名称 A présent, des animaux commençant par A.)

5. You're baking cherry pudding. You're sipping Kir. (翻译:你做水果蛋糕 喝基尔酒 Tu fais des clafoutis, tu bois des kirs,)

6. - Have you ordered pizza? - No, why? (翻译:你叫了批萨吗 Tu as commandé des pizzas?)

7. The supported encryption algorithms are DES, Triple-DES, and AES. (翻译:支持的加密算法是DES、Triple - des和aes。)

8. We are going to spin the banana (翻译:也给他们欢笑 On va leur filer la banane 香蕉 Des bananes)

9. My treasure's more precious than stones. (翻译:Mon trésor est beaucoup plus précieux que des pierres.)

10. This latest study has revealed that the rocks at Nili Fossae are very similar to the Pilbara rocks - in terms of the minerals they contain. (翻译:最新研究显示,Nili Fossae岩群和Pibara岩群中所含的矿物形式非常相似。)

11. Hey Adam! Does the link 4 have a DES encryptions? (翻译:嗨,亚当,链接文件是否要使用DES加密算法?)

12. We have ideas in the skull (翻译:但是我们有头脑 Mais on a des idées dans le crâne 香蕉 Des bananes)

13. S-box is a key part of DES algorithm and the design of S-box directly influences the DESs function. (翻译:S盒是DES算法中的一个关键环节,它的设计好坏直接影响DES的加密性能。)

14. The decay of the fundaments of the city. Loutocracy! (翻译:城市基础的瓦解 La déliquescence des fondamentaux de la cité,)

15. Under the MSP430 Subroutine des encryption algorithm. (翻译:在msp430下的des加密算法子程序。)

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