salsa verde是什么意思 salsa verde的中文翻译、读音、例句

salsa verde是什么意思 salsa verde的中文翻译、读音、例句

salsa verde在英语中代表"欧芹酱"的意思,其中文解释还有"欧芹酱"的意思,在线发音:[salsaverde],salsa verde常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到18个与salsa verde相关的例句。

Salsa verde的翻译


例句:If they're in Agua Verde, they'll try for it. (如果他们在阿加·维德 他们会设法的 如果?)


salsa verde一般作为名词使用,如在salsa(洋葱番茄辣酱 )、verde(n. 佛得角(塞内加尔西部))、Dilophia salsa(n. 盐泽双脊荞)等常见短语中出现较多。

verden. 佛得角(塞内加尔西部)
Dilophia salsan. 盐泽双脊荞
salsa golf[网络] 莎莎高尔夫
Saussurea salsan. 盐地风毛菊
Suaeda salsan. 盐地碱蓬
Lago Verde[地名] 拉古韦尔迪 ( 巴西 )
Loma Verde[地名] 洛马贝尔德 ( 阿根 )
Mato Verde[地名] 马图韦尔迪 ( 巴西 )


1. They also like salsa, playing poker, and they make a mean margarita. (翻译:他们也喜欢萨尔萨 喜欢纸牌 和他们做一种玛格丽塔鸡尾酒)

2. Cesaria Evora is credited with bringing the musical style of Cape Verde, known as "morna" to an international audience. (翻译:西莎莉亚·艾芙拉为法国引进了佛得角风格的歌曲,为世界听众所共知。)

3. Anything in your kitchen besides salsa and beer? (翻译:你厨房里除了沙司和啤酒外 还有其他东西吗?)

4. Last month, it was salsa dancing. Have you ever heard of salsa dancing? (翻译:上个月 她还在学萨尔萨舞 你听说过萨尔萨舞蹈吗)

5. I also brought you salsa. A little unconventional, but I think you'll like it. (翻译:我还给你加了沙司酱 有点非主流 想你会喜欢的)

6. Half of the dancers twirling to the latest salsa hits were from Switzerland. (翻译:有一半跳最新的萨尔萨舞步的人是从瑞士来的。)

7. Charles Darwin arrived on the Beagle in the Cape Verde islands. (翻译:查尔斯. 达尔文搭乘贝格尔号抵达圣地亚哥 那是佛得角群岛的一个小岛)

8. Conclusion Dmannitol and allantoin were isolated from Cistanche salsa for the first time. (翻译:结论甘露醇与尿囊素为首次从盐生肉苁蓉中分离得到。)


10. "Because I think it's the roots of salsa," she said. (翻译:“因为我觉得这是萨尔萨舞的根源。”她说。)

11. I dance. I dance salsa and there is this club called Santo Vito... (翻译:我跳舞 跳萨尔萨 有个叫圣多维多的俱乐部)

12. The nutritional components of Suaeda salsa seeds were studied. (翻译:对翅碱蓬籽的营养成分进行了分析研究。)

13. Suaede salsa (L. ) Pall. is a typical halophytes and is blazon at the north of China. (翻译:碱蓬是典型的盐生植物,广泛分布于我国北方各省。)

14. I learned salsa and merengue in the first week when I got to New York City. (翻译:我来纽约的第一周就学了萨尔萨舞和梅伦格舞。)

15. If they are in Agua Verde, they will have seen Mapache. (翻译:如果他们在阿加·维德 他们该见过了马帕奇)

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