saoa是什么意思 saoa的中文翻译、读音、例句

saoa是什么意思 saoa的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:Athens airport, November 2002. Sao Paulo, July 2003. (xx年xx月在Athens机场 xx年xx月在Sao Paulo机场)


saoa一般作为名词使用,如在SAOA([=South African Orthopaedic Association]南非矫形外科协会)等常见短语中出现较多。

SAOA[=South African Orthopaedic Association]南非矫形外科协会


1. The faa has just confirmed that the sao paulo bound 767... (翻译:联邦航空局已证实 The FAA has just confirmed 一架开往圣保罗的波音767 that the Sao Paulo bound 767...)

2. We sat in a car on the Avenue Paulista in Sao Paulo, together. (翻译:我们一起坐在车里,车停在圣保罗的 Paulista 街道)

3. Just to complicate matters, there is a possibility of a post in Sao Paulo. (翻译:更复杂的是,有可能在圣保罗设立一个职位。)

4. Added a lot of new sudamerican teams Flamengo, Independiente, San Lorenzo, Cruzeiro, Palmeiras, Sao Paulo. (翻译:增加许多新的南美球队弗拉门戈,阿根廷独立,圣洛伦索,克鲁塞罗,帕尔梅拉斯,圣保罗。)

5. If our employees at the Sao Paulo factory come up with a good idea, they will certainly come up with it. (翻译:如果我们在圣保罗工厂的员工想出了一个好主意,他们也一定能想出。)

6. On December 7, the body of Joao Goulart crossed the border back to Brazil to be buried in Sao Borja. (翻译:xx月xx日, On December 7, 若昂·古拉特的尸体越过边境回到巴西 the body of Joao Goulart crossed the border back to Brazil 被埋葬在圣博尔哈。)

7. I was helping out a Brazilian friend... - ... with a small business in Sao Paulo. (翻译:我当时在圣保罗帮一个巴西朋友 搞点进出口小生意)

8. that the president retreated to the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, precisely to Sao Borja, (翻译:总统撤退到南里奥格兰德州那里, that the president retreated to the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, 准确地说是圣博尔雅, precisely to Sao Borja,)

9. Jango went to Sao Borja and, from there, to his exile in Uruguay. (翻译:杨戈前往圣博尔雅,并从那里,流亡乌拉圭。Jango went to Sao Borja and, from there, to his exile in Uruguay.)

10. And president Quadros told me that he had actually resigned. (翻译:with the Cumbica airbase, in Sao Paulo. 奎德罗斯总统告诉我他实际上已经辞职。And president Quadros told me that he had actually resigned.)

11. Over in S? O Conrado. Closed down a long time ago. (翻译:在Sao Conrado,很久以前就关门了)

12. There is an exception, and it's curious: It's the quadrangle that ranges from Cuiaba to Buenos Aires, and from Sao Paulo to the Andes. (翻译:只有一个例外, 这很奇特 这是个四边形, 从库亚巴到布宜诺斯艾利斯 从圣保罗到安第斯 )

13. Vulva or all round its desudation , damp, macerate often causes Sao to itch; (翻译:外阴或其周围出汗过多,潮湿、浸渍常常引起瘙痒;)

14. To complicate matters even more, a dam gave way, flooding streets in Sao Jose dos Campos near the city of Sao Paulo. (翻译:使情况更加糟糕的是,一座大坝决堤,洪水涌到圣保罗市附近的圣若泽杜斯坎普斯。)

15. Sao Borja, a frontier town, at the Missions area, is the birth and resting place of two presidents: (翻译:圣博尔雅,宣教区的一个边境小镇, Sao Borja, a frontier town, at the Missions area, 是两位总统出生与安息的地方: is the birth and resting place of two presidents:)

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