sarnak是什么意思 sarnak的中文翻译、读音、例句

sarnak是什么意思 sarnak的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:"I knew where it was going, I felt it, " Van der Sar said, diving to his right to push the ball away and spark delirious celebrations. (“我知道他往哪里踢,我感觉得到。”范德萨说。随后向右侧的一扑的经典扑救之后,迎接荷兰人的就是全队欣喜若狂的夺冠庆祝。)


例句:I remember Edwin van der Sar saving Nicolas Anelka's penalty and, for me, it was like the earth stood still. (我记得埃德温。范德萨扑出了阿内尔卡的点球,对我来说就像地球重新开始转动。)

例句:in military application , sar is of great value in obtaining forepart stratagems and battlefield conditions. (在军事遥感领域,在对早期战略的获取和战场情况的侦察方面,合成孔径雷达表现出强大的威力。)


例句:But the body I saw in the backyard, has the same ring as Nak's. (翻译:但在后院 我看到尸体 有着跟小奈一样的戒指)


1. in military application , sar is of great value in obtaining forepart stratagems and battlefield conditions. (翻译:在军事遥感领域,在对早期战略的获取和战场情况的侦察方面,合成孔径雷达表现出强大的威力。)

2. But the body I saw in the backyard, has the same ring as Nak's. (翻译:但在后院 我看到尸体 有着跟小奈一样的戒指)

3. Suppressing redundant NAK can effectually avoid the network congestion. (翻译:抑制冗余NAK能有效地避免拥塞出现。)

4. The cell towers were operating at more than 200 watts, producing ground-level absorption figures far in excess of the SAR limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram. (翻译:信号塔运作功率超过200瓦 The cell towers were operating at more than 200 watts, 因此产生的地面接收信号 producing ground -level absorption figures)

5. To solve the problem of losing part of edge in the SAR image de-noising, the edge of image can be preserves beforehand. (翻译:而常用的去噪算法在去噪的同时会损失图像的边缘信息,所以本文在去噪前预先保留了图像的边缘信息。)

6. Now, start it up inside and keep it running until you get to the SAR hangar. (翻译:现在就打开发电机... 让它开著,直到你上了直升机)

7. Experiments on textural images and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images verify the validity of the proposed algorithm. (翻译:最后,通过对纹理图像和合成孔径雷达图像分割验证了新算法的有效性。)

8. Equivalent-Squint-Range-Model Based Wavenumber Domain Focusing Algorithm for High Resolution Spaceborne SAR (翻译:基于等效斜视距离模型的高分辨率星载SAR波数域成像算法)

9. You take care of this personally, Cesar. (翻译:这件事交给你来办 塞萨尔 You take care of this personally, César.)

10. A Communist street cleaner, Piet Nak, following his party's instructions, stood up in the street and urged Amsterdammers to protest. (翻译:一个共产党员清道夫,皮埃特·纳克, 遵照他的党的指示, 站在大街上 敦促阿姆斯特丹人进行抗议)

11. The project abstract is drawn from the PAD, SAR or PGD and may not accurately reflect the project's current nature (翻译:该项目摘要来源项目评估文件,员工评估报告或项目方案文件,并不能准确反映出项目目前的性质。)

12. Going forward in the second half, Schalke brought on Edu and later Huntelaar, yet you still struggle to remember Van der Sar being bothered. (翻译:沙尔克在下半场加强进攻,先后换上了埃杜和亨特拉尔,但这也没有给曼联门将范德萨带来什么困扰。)

13. The wizardly behavior of SAR is to absorb large amount of water and keep water from evaporation. (翻译:其神奇特性在于可吸收大量的水并阻止水分蒸发。)

14. The United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar was travelling behind Ronaldo, at the wheel of his own Bentley, at the time of the accident. (翻译:车祸发生时,曼联门将范德萨正开着他自己的宾利车行驶在C罗的后面。)

15. To paraphrase Chavez, once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. (翻译:用美国社会运动家César Chávez的话说 社会变迁一旦开始便无法回头 )

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