scarabaei是什么意思 scarabaei的中文翻译、读音、例句

scarabaei是什么意思 scarabaei的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The June bug pinging incessantly off your front porch light is a type of scarab. (总是不停地把前门灯撞的乒乓响的xx月腮金龟就是金龟科的一种。)


例句:Vincent Reinhart at AEI said it may not happen immediately, but he believes significant Fed action is just around the corner. (在AEI的文森特莱因哈特说,它可能不会立即发生,但他认为美联储的行动显着的是指日可待。)


例句:I told him about the osiris scarab. (我告诉他关于奥西里斯圣甲虫的事情 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}I told him about the Osiris scarab.)


1. I told him about the osiris scarab. (翻译:我告诉他关于奥西里斯圣甲虫的事情 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}I told him about the Osiris scarab.)

2. After the call to kill Araki, put his scarab get me back! (翻译:杀掉召唤者阿拉基之后,就把他的圣甲虫给我拿回来! )

3. But the scarab beetle saw through this trick. He made, a pellet of dung, took flight, and when he got above the lap of Zeus he let it fall. (翻译:屎壳郎识破了这一诡计,就滚了一个粪蛋,飞到宙斯那儿,把它丢进他的怀里。)

4. Carvings on a scarab, found in the temple of Osiris, at Abadais. (翻译:Abadais的冥神庙中一只 圣甲虫背上有着特殊刻纹)

5. AEI has emerged as one of the leading architects of the second Bush administration's public policy. (翻译:成人教育已成为一个主要建筑师的第二任布什政府的公共政策。)

6. It is a scarab, a type which comprises 10 per cent of all beetles. (翻译:这是一种包括10%各种甲壳虫在内的圣甲虫。)

7. Scarab, forearm, bird, bird, bird. No, it's just me, Bender. (翻译:我要宝石 交出来 你们这些鸟人 是我 班德)

8. Scarab amulets can be worn near the heart or displayed in many other ways to continue their 4, 000-plus year history of bringing good luck . (翻译:圣甲虫护身符佩带在心脏附近或以许多另外方式显示延续它们带来好运气4,xx年历史记录。)

9. The scarab image was used for recording historical events. (翻译:圣甲虫像用于记录历史性事件。)

10. There are rumors that the osiris scarab is a life ring, Capable of granting restorative powers to its wearer. (翻译:对他的佩戴者有恢复健康的力量 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}capable of granting restorative powers to its wearer.)

11. CONCLUSION Emergent surgery is effective in most patients of AEI. (翻译:结论急诊手术对绝大多数AEI的病人有效。)

12. AEI leads in government to government relationships in education and training. AEI (翻译:主管澳大利亚与他国在教育与培训领域的政府间关系?)

13. Wattenberg, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) in Washington. (翻译:华盛顿的美国企业研究院公共政策研究所 高级研究员本。)

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