scheffer stroke是什么意思 scheffer stroke的中文翻译、读音、例句

scheffer stroke是什么意思 scheffer stroke的中文翻译、读音、例句

scheffer stroke的中文解释是"菲尔环节",还经常被翻译为舍菲尔连接,读音为[schefferstroke],scheffer stroke来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到53个与scheffer stroke相关的句子。

Scheffer stroke的中文翻译


例句:A stroke of luck for Coach Feola and Team Brazil! (这对巴西和费奥拉教练来说 是一次意外的好运)


例句:Now pivot as you deliver the stroke. (当你发动攻击时要转身. Now pivot as you deliver the stroke.)


scheffer stroke一般作为名词使用,如在Scheffer stroke(菲尔环节,舍菲尔连接)、scheffer([人名] 谢弗)、stroke(①打击②中风)等常见短语中出现较多。

Scheffer stroke菲尔环节,舍菲尔连接
scheffer[人名] 谢弗
in a stroke= at a (或 one)stroke
in stroke内向行程
on the stroke准点的,准时的;准时地,一分钟不差地
die stroke动模行程
direct stroke[电] 直击
drop stroke落地连击
double stroke双冲程


1. "This here is William James Joad, died of a stroke. (翻译:威廉姆. 詹姆斯. 乔德死于中风 葬于此地)

2. With a stroke of genius, whiteout was invented. (翻译:在一个灵感下,立可白被发明了。)

3. - Do it for Israel! The challenge commences on the stroke of one. The challenger must finish before the stroke of 12. (翻译:挑战于第一声钟响开始 必须在第十二声钟响之前完成)

4. The patients suffered uroclepsia after stroke. (翻译:患者中风后患有尿失禁。)

5. In addition, smoking doubles the likeliness of a stroke. (翻译:另外,吸烟可以使中风的概率翻一番。)

6. Ischaemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. (翻译:局部缺血性中风是最普遍的一种中风。)

7. If you're familiar with SVG or dojox. gfx, you'll recognize stroke and fill. (翻译:如果您熟悉SVG或dojox.gfx,就能识别stroke和fill。)

8. That is a... stroke of genius! (翻译:这简直是... 天才的主意 That is a... stroke of genius!)

9. - Calm down or you'll have a stroke. (翻译:-才怪 快走吧 你冷静点 这么生气小心中风)

10. He writes wealth with an extra stroke (翻译:发财的财字,总是多写一划 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}He writes wealth with an extra stroke)

11. During a visit to Kabul last week, NATO Secretary General Jaap DE Hoop Scheffer took time to urge both countries to cooperate. (翻译:北约秘书长夏侯雅伯上星期访问喀布尔期间不失时机地敦促两国进行合作。)

12. Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight. (翻译:午夜时钟一敲响,教堂的钟声便一声接一声地响起来。)

13. You even want an extra stroke in wealth (翻译:永远在财字上多写了一笔 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You even want an extra stroke in wealth)

14. Which tonight was going to be stroke of midnight, middle of the Thames? (翻译:今天是在泰晤士河的午夜 Which tonight was going to be stroke of midnight, 没错吧? 告诉我没错吧 middle of the Thames?)

15. Baby bomb was a stroke of genius. (翻译:有孩子这个重磅炸弹太天才了 Baby bomb was a stroke of genius.)

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