schrieberg是什么意思 schrieberg的中文翻译、读音、例句

schrieberg是什么意思 schrieberg的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Devastate damage is also affected by talents and abilities that increase overall damage or crit bons, sch as Enrage and Impale. (毁灭打击旳伤害也受其他增加全局伤害以及致命一击奖励旳影响,比如谈激怒以及穿刺。)


例句:Sch. graminum Ronda's number was very little, only was found on summer stubble oat. (麦二叉蚜只在夏茬燕麦叶部上发现,发生数量不大。)


1. You think that bomb was meant for you as well as Van Berg, and you're thinking... (翻译:你觉得那枚炸弹是为你和凡·伯格准备的 你在想...)

2. In Berlin, Daniel Domscheit-Berg quit the organization. (翻译:在柏林,丹尼尔Domscheit伯格 退出该组织。)

3. Unit 1, Kreuzberg, Unit 2, Friedrichshain, Unit 3, Prenzlauer Berg. (翻译:一分队: 克罗兹贝格 二分队: 弗里德里希海因 三分队:)

4. Berg, born in a small village in Cameroon, grew up in Senegal and is now running the technology for ChildCount+. (翻译:Berg出生于喀麦隆的一个小村庄,在塞内加尔长大,现在负责ChildCount+技术。)

5. DOE's fabrication techniques mainly include laser beam or electron beam writing, RIE , ion milling and thin film deposition. (翻译:衍射光学元件的制作技术主要包括激光或电子束直写、反应离子刻蚀、离子束铣及薄膜沉积。)

6. Berg and I left the Germans - and went to Finland and signed up for their army. (翻译:冰山和我离开德国人- 而且归于罗兰和 报名他们的军队了。)

7. This is an extract from a chat between Domscheit-Berg and Assange: (翻译:这是一个从谈话摘录 间Domscheit -Berg和阿桑奇的:)

8. The decision to set up a separate company was a key component, says Mr Van Den Berg. (翻译:VandenBerg表示说成立独立公司的决定是非常关键的一步。)

9. I want to use the "Lyric Suite" by Alban Berg for the transitions... (翻译:我准备用阿尔班·贝尔格的 《抒情组曲》来做转场音乐)

10. In the week after Nick Berg's beheading, these were the top 10 search terms in the United States. (翻译:这些是Nick Berg被斩首后的一周内, 在美国排名前十的搜索项。)

11. He always did well in schοο, and I neνer wοrried abοut his grades. (翻译:伟同小的时候念书可从来没让我操过一天的心)

12. Besides, it USES the innate power of human body to create beauty, and that's the reason I like it, "said Rie Hayashida." (翻译:而且它是利用人体天生的能力来达到美容的目的,所以我很喜欢。)

13. Berg, I don't mean to distract you, but we're meant to study Homer, not Sophie. (翻译:伯格,我不想打断你 们要学习的是荷马,不是苏菲)

14. I rie my hair. (翻译:我洗濯头发。)

15. Matt Webb, CEO of London-based design consultancy BERG, has a great phrase to describe the root of these innovations. (翻译:总部设在伦敦的设计公司BERG的CEO,马特韦布为这项技术的基础思想献上了他的溢美之词。)

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