scintiangiography是什么意思 scintiangiography的中文翻译、读音、例句

scintiangiography是什么意思 scintiangiography的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Guide for use for cine-camera SC-29 for secret surveillance (隐蔽监视电影摄像机SC -29 使用指南)


1. Effect Test of Asomate SC for Prevention and Cure of Recrudescence of Apple Tree Canker (翻译:福美砷悬浮剂防治苹果树腐烂病疤复发药效试验)

2. SPARTANBURG, SC 30 draftees. (翻译:南卡罗来纳州 斯巴达堡 30人被征召入伍)

3. Value of the nuclein myocardial perfusion tomography and coronary angiography for diagnosing coronary artery disease (翻译:核素心肌灌注断层显像检查与冠状动脉造影术对冠心病的诊断价值)

4. I'm telling you as one of your employees. (翻译:而是以SC集团员工身份 向会长提出重大提案)

5. The combined application of MDU and fluorescein angiography are expected to replace the intraoperative DSA. (翻译:微血管多普勒和荧光造影联合可望取代术中DSA。)

6. Yes, it's weird that SC isn't doing anything about it. (翻译:是 SC方面完全放手 听凭处置 这也挺奇怪的)

7. The advancement and perfection of mathematics are inti mately connected prosperity State. with the prosperity of the State. (翻译:数学的发展与完善和国家的繁荣昌盛息息相关。——拿破仑的繁荣昌盛息息相关。——拿破仑)

8. The most important thing is that we have to have very good diagnostic angiography. (翻译:最重要的是我们需要具备很好的诊断性血管造影技术。)

9. Color ultrasonic Doppler, CT and selective angiography are very important for the early diagnosis of the disease. (翻译:彩色超声、CT、选择性血管造影对该病早期诊断具有重要意义。)

10. This means that in a C program, you can write int i = 100 to create and initialize an integer variable. (翻译:这意味着在C程序中,可以编写inti=100来创建和初始化整型变量。)

11. Application of FTW Mode in Solving SC financial Restraint (翻译:融通仓模式在解决供应链资金约束问题中的应用)

12. And now she's using the SC name everywhere. (翻译:最近才会传闻不断 说她打著SC的幌子四处招摇呢)

13. We sail to the meeting of following convoy, the SC-130, with a feeling of great confidence. (翻译:我们在大浪之上 开向下一个护航船队,SC -130,)

14. Novel fungicide SYP-Z048 25% SC, flusilazole 40% EC and Pyarimethanil 40% SC were tested on Fungicidal Activity in Controlling Alternaria panax Whetz. (翻译:选用新型杀菌剂25%啶菌恶唑悬浮剂、40%氟硅唑乳油、40%嘧霉胺悬浮剂对人参黑斑病菌进行了抑制作用实验和田间病害防治实验。)

15. In our 1969 discovery of the SC, Shapiro and I used picosecond pulses with an energy of a millijoule. (翻译:xx年夏比洛和我发现的SC,使用的是皮秒脉冲,能量为一毫焦耳。)

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