seabiscuit是什么意思 seabiscuit的中文翻译、读音、例句

seabiscuit是什么意思 seabiscuit的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. Seabiscuit was a legendary racehorse in the 1930s.(“Seabiscuit”是20世纪xx年代的一匹传奇赛马。)

2. Seabiscuit won many races and broke many records.(“Seabiscuit”赢得了许多比赛并打破了许多记录。)

3. Seabiscuit was loved by fans for his underdog story.(由于“Seabiscuit”的反败为胜的故事,它备受粉丝的喜爱。)

4. Many books and movies have been made about Seabiscuit's life.(已经有很多关于“Seabiscuit”的生活的书籍和电影了。)

5. Seabiscuit's jockey, Red Pollard, was also a famous figure in horse racing.(“Seabiscuit”骑手Red Pollard也是赛马界著名人物。)

6. Seabiscuit's success helped lift the spirits of Americans during the Great Depression.(“Seabiscuit”的成功在大萧条期间鼓舞了美国人的精神。)

7. Seabiscuit has become a symbol of perseverance and determination.(“Seabiscuit”已经成为坚韧和决心的象征。)



1. I watched the movie 'Seabiscuit' last night. (昨晚我看了电影《海上马赛》。)

2. Seabiscuit was considered the underdog in the race, but he ended up winning. (在比赛中,海上马赛被认为是弱者,但最终他赢了。)

3. Seabiscuit became a national icon during the Great Depression. (在大萧条期间,海上马赛成为了一个全国性的象征。)

4. Jockey George Woolf rode Seabiscuit to many of his victories. (骑手乔治·伍尔夫骑着海上马赛赢得了很多胜利。)

5. The story of Seabiscuit has inspired many people over the years. (海上马赛的故事多年来一直激励着很多人。)

6. Seabiscuit's owners were Charles Howard, Tom Smith, and Marcela Howard. (海上马赛的主人是查尔斯·霍华德、汤姆·史密斯和马塞拉·霍华德。)

7. Seabiscuit's career ended in 1940 after he injured his leg during a race. (xx年在一场比赛中,海上马赛的腿受伤,它的职业生涯就此结束。)

8. Seabiscuit was known for his great heart and determination. (海上马赛因其伟大的勇气和毅力而著称。)

9. Laura Hillenbrand's bestselling book 'Seabiscuit: An American Legend' tells the story of the famous horse. (劳拉·希伦布兰德的畅销书《海上马赛:一个美国传奇》讲述了这匹著名马的故事。)



1. Seabiscuit是一匹非凡的马,它的勇气和毅力是无与伦比的。

2. 很多人认为Seabiscuit是最伟大的赛马之一,因为它不仅在赛场上表现出色,还给人们带来了希望和勇气。

3. 电影《Seabiscuit》讲述了这匹传奇马匹的故事,深受观众喜爱。




例句:It's Seabiscuit by a nose, now by a head. (它们来到司令台前 海饼干领先... 领先一个马头了)


例句:Seabiscuit entered the race a 2-to-1 underdog, but you would never know it from the growing noise in the infield. (海饼干不被看好 赔率是2比1 但内野的支持声 让人看不出这点)


1. And it's Seabiscuit at the wire to win the Santa Anita Handicap with Red Pollard aboard! (翻译:海饼干冲过终点 与瑞德一起赢得圣安妮塔大赛)

2. Coming around the turn it's Seabiscuit by a length and Lucky Day well behind. (翻译:过第一道弯,海饼干落后,幸运日却远远殿后)

3. As a matter of fact, I'll lay even money that this nag, Seabiscuit, couldn't even finish six furlongs. (翻译:事实上,我愿意下对等的赌金 赌这块烂饼干根本跑不完)

4. Balding came out in 2003 when she invited her partner, fellow BBC employee Alice Arnold, to the London premiere of Seabiscuit. (翻译:她的恋情在xx年公诸于世,她邀请了伴侣,BBC的同事AliceArnold,去伦敦观看了奔腾年代的初次公演。)

5. You know the movies he was in, like Spider-Man, Seabiscuit, stuff like that? (翻译:你知道他是在看电影, 像蜘蛛侠, 锡比斯卡特之类的东西?)

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