seaming body是什么意思 seaming body的中文翻译、读音、例句

seaming body是什么意思 seaming body的中文翻译、读音、例句

seaming body在中文中有"网络"的意思,还有罐身踏平的意思,单词读音音标为[seamingbody],seaming body常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到58个与seaming body相关的句子。

Seaming body的翻译

例句:His body was replaced on a cellular level. (His body was replaced on a cellular level.)


例句:- Help us carry this corpse. (Help us with the body.)


seaming body一般作为名词使用,如在seaming(n. 缝合, 接缝;接合;折弯重叠加工)、double seaming(双锁边)、flat seaming(平缝法)等常见短语中出现较多。

seamingn. 缝合, 接缝;接合;折弯重叠加工
double seaming双锁边
flat seaming平缝法
lock seaming咬接
mid seaming中缝
middle seamingun. 中缝
round seamingun. 卷缝\n[网络] 卷缝法;圆缝
seaming chuck(封罐机)上压头,压头
seaming die搭接模


1. A shift dress will give you an ample amount of coverage and has nice seaming details that can help define the curves of your body for you. (翻译:连衣裙将提供充足的覆盖面,而且有漂亮的接缝细节,来帮助你凸显身体的曲线美。)

2. Body all aching and racked with pain (翻译:Body all aching and racked with pain)

3. After watching Body Heat... Body Heat? (翻译:看过电影 BODY HEAT 之后...)

4. You mean like a parasite, something that took over your body. (翻译:something that took over your body.)

5. # To a body so full of scars? (翻译:# To a body so full of scars?)

6. We need to find that body. (翻译:我们必须找到尸体 We need to find that body.)

7. - Well, that doesn't make sense. (翻译:He knows about the mark on the body.)

8. It's your heart, your soul, and body that I seek. (翻译:and body that I seek.)

9. Listen, you got to help me bury a body. (翻译:you got to help me bury a body.)

10. -You're chasing the wrong... (翻译:The note on the body was to me!)

11. See what your body remembers. (翻译:See what your body remembers.)

12. A relaxed mind, a relaxed body. (翻译:放松思想 放松身体 A relaxed mind, a relaxed body.)

13. Place the body on the beach. (翻译:把尸体放到海滩上 Place the body on the beach.)

14. * You are the body * * hidden in the trunk * (翻译:You are the body Hidden in the trunk)

15. I want you to send my body (翻译:I want you to send my body)

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