sedilo是什么意思 sedilo的中文翻译、读音、例句

sedilo是什么意思 sedilo的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- So is a tumor. Her sed rate is elevated. - Mildly. (- 那是肿瘤了 她的血检结果出来了 正常)


例句:So, from parsing the Twitter feed, you know that you need to pipe it through sed first to get a real, legible result. (通过解析Twitterfeed,您知道需要首先用sed对它进行处理,以得到一个真正的、易读的结果。)


例句:He said the ILO is working with local civic organizations to change opinions about child labor. (他称,国际劳工组织正与地方民间组织合作来改变关于童工的观念。)


sedilo一般作为名词使用,如在Sedilo([地名] 塞迪洛 ( 意 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Sedilo[地名] 塞迪洛 ( 意 )


1. He said the ILO is working with local civic organizations to change opinions about child labor. (翻译:他称,国际劳工组织正与地方民间组织合作来改变关于童工的观念。)

2. The miniaturization of current temperature sensor is also dicus-sed. (翻译:也介绍了测温传感器结构小型化方面所做的工作。)

3. Some 900m were living on less than US$2 a day and "308m of these living in extreme poverty on less than US$1 per day" , says the ILO. (翻译:国际劳工组织称,该地区约9亿人每日生活费不到2美元,“其中,3.08亿人生活在每日生活费不足1美元的极度贫困状态之中。”)

4. sed takes a script of any number of commands followed by an optional input filespec; by default, it reads standard input. (翻译:sed接受包含任何数量命令的脚本,后面跟着可选的指定输入文件的选项;缺省情况下,它读取标准输入。)

5. As with all ILO projects, national trade unions, employers' organizations as well as the national government are partners in this work. (翻译:与国际劳工组织的其他项目一样,国家工会、雇主组织以及国家政府都是这项工作的合作伙伴。)

6. Sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad tutamentum mentis et corporis et ad medelam percipiendam. (翻译:以祢的慈爱作为生命的食粮 恢复身心和灵魂的健康)

7. "The UAE and Qatar have definitely regressed," says the ILO's Mr. Khan. (翻译:“阿联酋和卡塔尔显然在退步”,国际劳工组织的汗先生表示。)

8. Objective To investigate the X-ray characteristics of humeral spiral fracture cau sed by hand grenade throwing. (翻译:目的研究士兵投弹所致的肱骨螺旋骨折的X线特征。)

9. You had used regexps for egrep, sed, and perl; now try building it for plain grep. (翻译:前面已经使用了适用于egrep、sed和perl的regexp,现在我们将尝试构建适用于普通grep的regexp。)

10. In a recent report the ILO projected several scenarios for 2009. (翻译:该组织出炉的最新报告为xx年设计了几个前景。)

11. They say it's suppo sed to be easy! (翻译:他们说这应该是很容易的。)

12. I would think you'd be focυsed on that and not building bυnk beds. (翻译:我觉得你们最好准备那些 而不是考虑什么上下铺)

13. Allowing trade unions was a " momentous policy decision " commented Steve Marshall, the ILO's official in Myanmar. (翻译:允许工会成立是一个“重大的政治决策”,国际劳工组织在缅官员史蒂夫•马歇尔如此评价。)

14. I'm just wondering if you think we could apply the same logic to Carly's sed rate. (翻译:我只是好奇你是否觉得我们可以用 相同的逻辑放在Carly的沉降速度上)

15. Initiated discussions on exploring the concept of EcoPartnerships by the next SED meeting. (翻译:最初讨论了到下一次会议需探索的经济合作的概念。)

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