1. 英语:Selagine is a drug used to treat epilepsy and anxiety.
2. 西班牙语:Selagine es un medicamento utilizado para tratar la epilepsia y la ansiedad.
3. 法语:Selagine est un médicament utilisé pour traiter l'épilepsie et l'anxiété.
4. 德语:Selagine ist ein Medikament zur Behandlung von Epilepsie und Angstzuständen.
5. 意大利语:Selagine è un farmaco usato per trattare l'epilessia e l'ansia.
6. 俄语:Selagine - это лекарство, используемое для лечения эпилепсии и тревожных состояний.
7. 阿拉伯语:سيلاغين هو دواء يستخدم لعلاج الصرع والقلق.
8. 日语:Selagineは、てんかんや不安症などの治療に使用される薬です。
9. 韩语:Selagine은 간질 및 불안증을 치료하는 약입니다.
例句:PGE Corporate claims they didn't know about Hinkley. (P G & E总公司可以宣称 他们对辛克利的事毫不知情)
例句:A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N... (A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K...)
例句:Then I realized that I could attach the chip to an E.E.G. net, and the signal would reach his brain. (后来我发现 我可以把芯片 跟脑电图网络连接 信号就能传达到他大脑了)
例句:PGE is demanding 90. In other words, everybody. (翻译:P G & E要求9 0 % 所以几乎要人人同意)
1. Then I realized that I could attach the chip to an E.E.G. net, and the signal would reach his brain. (翻译:后来我发现 我可以把芯片 跟脑电图网络连接 信号就能传达到他大脑了)
2. PGE is demanding 90. In other words, everybody. (翻译:P G & E要求9 0 % 所以几乎要人人同意)
3. G. — Mein er gut en Freund e , of my good friends. (翻译:第二格— Mein er gut en Freund e of my good friends. )
4. Crotchet G, pause for a quaver, repeat G quaver, then E-flat on the down beat. (翻译:四分音符,G调; 八分音符; 重复G调八分音符,然后是降E强拍)
5. E.E.G. revealed abnormalities in your brain-- caused nerve damage in your toes. (翻译:无线脑电波图显示你脑部的异常 令你的脚趾神经受损)
6. A small tail e. g. pellia, light brown. (翻译:尾呈小叉状,浅褐色。)
7. I didn't know a trachea could break. (翻译:I hope you can arregl醨sela.)
8. These exchanges are named after the their type with a prefix of amq., e.g. (翻译:这些交换器的命名规则是amq .前缀加上类型名。)
9. Hey, then look up this one 0.r.g.a.i.z.e (翻译:喂 查查这个 o r g a n i z e)
10. PGE proposes that they're liable... anywhere between 50 and 400 million. (翻译:P G & E表示愿意支付... 五千万到四亿不等的赔偿金额)
11. G-H-E-Z No SO2 has already been used, actually, in the mathematical language. (翻译:G-H-E-Z不,SO2已经用过了,其实,在数学语言里。)
12. From what I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. has gathered, it would be 9/11 times 100. (翻译:智能收集到的数据所说 这次的规模会是911的100倍)
13. It's not for me. It's for Mr. Zhang. Jerry Zhang. (翻译:不是我订,是位张先生 J e r r y Z h a n g)
14. A, B, C, D, E, F and finally Opened in 1980 - - G. (翻译:A, B, C, D, E, F, 最后xx年发现的 G)
15. GH: OK -- C, G, B, A and E. (翻译:高帝·霍恩:没问题。C, G, B, A, 还有E。)