selectivity of reagent的意思是"试剂的选择性",作为名词时有"化"的意思,发音是[selectivityofreagent],selectivity of reagent来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到52个与selectivity of reagent相关的句子。
Selectivity of reagent的中文翻译
例句:We use thymol-sodium hypobromite as chromogenic reagent. (我们使用百里酚钠次溴酸钠作为显色剂。)
例句:The catalyst will has good activity and selectivity if the synthesis and dehydration of methanol are "synergic" . (如果甲醇合成组分和甲醇脱水组分相互匹配产生“协同效应”,那么催化剂就具有良好的活性和选择性。)
selectivity of reagent一般作为名词使用,如在selectivity(选择性 )、reagent(试剂 )、direction selectivity([化] 方向选择性)等常见短语中出现较多。
selectivity | 选择性 |
reagent | 试剂 |
direction selectivity | [化] 方向选择性 |
directional selectivity | 方向选择性 |
enzyme selectivity | [化] 酶选择性 |
effective selectivity | 有效选择性 |
enantiometric selectivity | 镜像对应异构选择性 |
frequency selectivity | [电] 频率选择性 |
gasoline selectivity | 汽油比率(汽油收率与转化率之比) |
1. The results indicate that EMCC process has a higher delignification selectivity than CKC process. (翻译:结果表明,EMCC蒸煮通过分段加入蒸煮药液和在逆流段进行药液置换,比CKC具有更高的脱木质素选择性。)
2. Industry: Pharmaceutical Intermediates; Sulfone; Nitro compounds; Common organic reagent; (翻译:所属行业:医药中间体;砜类;硝基化合物;通用有机试剂;;)
3. Therefore, such ECL reagent immobilized on a cause for great interest. (翻译:所以此类ECL试剂的固定化研究引起了人们的极大兴趣。)
4. Ether molecules combine with the various components of a Grignard reagent to form complex etherates. (翻译:甲醚的分子结合起来,与各组成部分的格氏试剂,形成复杂的化合无。)
5. They often use oriole reagent in their experiments. (翻译:他们在实验过程中,要经常用到吡咯试剂。)
6. Reversible Organic Thermochromism Materials of Cresol Red, Calcein as Color Change Reagent (翻译:以甲酚红和钙黄绿素为变色剂的有机可逆热色性材料)
7. Ammonium ceric nitrate is a reagent with good selectivity and multiple USES. (翻译:硝酸铈铵是一种选择性良好,具有多方面用途的试剂。)
8. The target market of small scale construction industry aptitudes the profession of concentration and selectivity. (翻译:而规模小的营造业目标巿场倾向于集中与选择性的专业化。)
9. We haven't found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters. (翻译:我们还没有找到任何有说服力的证据来证明选择性或声望很重要。)
10. Selectivity is key to its success. (翻译:选择性是成功关键。)
11. A Novel PEGylation Reagent for Guanidine of Arginine in Protein (翻译:一种新型的蛋白质及多肽胍基的聚乙二醇化试剂的合成)
12. The new DFB can provide good directional and frequency selectivity. (翻译:新的方向滤波器组具有良好的方向和频率选择性。)
13. The findings were most consistent with competition by platelets for the CD36 reagent. (翻译:这个发现与血小板竞争CD 36抗体试剂的说法非常相符。)
14. The improvment of the the catalytic activity, selectivity and stability were the most important factors for the hydrogenation process. (翻译:因此如何提高催化剂的活性、稳定性和卤代芳胺选择性是关键。)
15. To develop toughening reagent for epoxy resins, a serial of novel polyethers polyols was synthesized. (翻译:为了开发新型实用的环氧树脂增韧剂,合成了一种新型聚醚多元醇。)