hidden agenda是什么意思 hidden agenda的中文翻译、读音、例句

hidden agenda是什么意思 hidden agenda的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义解释:hidden agenda意指某人或某组织秘密的计划或目的,通常并没有明确地告诉别人或者隐藏起来。这个词通常用于负面或者不诚实的情况下,表示有人在背地里谋划着某些事情,但是并没有将其公之于众。

2. 用法注意:hidden agenda通常用于描述政治活动、商业交易或者商业竞争的情况下,也可以用于描述个人、团体或者组织的行动。这个词在描述某种可疑或者不诚实的情况下使用得比较频繁。

3. 实际应用:

(1)政治竞选中,候选人可能会有hidden agenda,许诺不切实际的承诺或者利用选民的恐惧和偏见来获取选票。

(2)公司收购时,有时候买家会有hidden agenda,很可能是为了获取目标公司的核心技术或者有效的销售渠道。

(3)在个人关系中,一些人可能会有hidden agenda,比如某个人表现出对你很友好,但实际上是有其他目的的。


1. The politician was accused of having a hidden agenda, as his public speeches were inconsistent with his private conversations.(这位政治家被指控有隐秘的计划,因为他的公开演讲与他的私人谈话不一致。)

2. The company's hidden agenda was to take over the smaller competitor and eliminate competition.(公司的隐秘计划是收购较小的竞争对手,消除竞争。)

3. The teacher suspected that the student had a hidden agenda, as he asked questions that seemed unrelated to the topic.(老师怀疑学生有隐秘的计划,因为他问的问题与话题似乎没有关系。)

4. The organization's hidden agenda was to influence public opinion by infiltrating the media.(这个组织的隐秘计划是通过渗透媒体来影响公众舆论。)

5. The boss's hidden agenda was to promote his favorite employee, regardless of his qualifications or performance.(老板的隐秘计划是提拔他最喜欢的员工,而不考虑他的资质或表现。)

hidden agenda意为“隐藏的议程”,指某人的真实目的、意图或计划并没有公开展示,而是在背后进行的。常用于指政治、商业等领域中的暗箱操作。


读音:[ˈhɪdn əˈdʒɛndə]


1. The negotiation failed because one party had a hidden agenda that wasn't disclosed.


2. It's important to discuss everything openly and honestly, with no hidden agenda.


3. The company claimed to be looking out for the interests of its employees, but many suspected a hidden agenda.


hidden agenda通常被翻译为"隐秘的议程、潜在议程表"的意思,其次还有"幕后的动机"的意思,单词读音音标为[ˈhɪdn əˈdʒendə],hidden agenda常被用作名词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到33个与hidden agenda相关的句子。

Hidden agenda的释义


例句:Could you look at the Cabinet agenda? (Could you look at the Cabinet agenda?)


例句:There's one thing I've learned from our past experience-- you have a hidden agenda, so save us both the headache. (根据我们的过往经历我学到了一件事 你背后必有动机 所以给我们俩都省点心吧)


例句:They're unchanging, much like this part of Africa itself. Ancient and arid, it almost never rains on this land, yet there is water here, hidden away. (much like this part of Africa itself. hidden away.)


hidden agenda一般作为名词使用,如在on the agenda(列入会议议程的)、hidden(a. 隐藏的\nhide的过去分词\n[计] 隐藏的)、draft agenda([网络] 议程草案;日程草案)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the agenda列入会议议程的
hiddena. 隐藏的\nhide的过去分词\n[计] 隐藏的
draft agenda[网络] 议程草案;日程草案
institutional agenda制度议程
meeting agenda[网络] 会议议程;会议日程;会议安排
news agenda新闻议题
policy agenda政策议程
program agenda[网络] 议程;程序序列;会议日程表
provisional agenda[法] 临时议税


1. They're unchanging, much like this part of Africa itself. Ancient and arid, it almost never rains on this land, yet there is water here, hidden away. (翻译:much like this part of Africa itself. hidden away.)

2. The green agenda is probably the most important agenda and issue of the day. (翻译:绿色议程也许是现在最重要的话题, 人们都关注的话题。)

3. I'm a lying, spineless, brownnosing jellyfish with a hidden agenda. (翻译:我是条撒谎,没有骨气 拍马屁的水母 还有秘密的行踪)

4. That sophia and her people have an agenda (翻译:索菲娅那帮人有什么阴谋 that Sophia and her people have an agenda)

5. I started it with my little hidden agenda about the computer and... (翻译:是我挑的头 因为电脑和其他的事情 埋在心里所以我挑起的)

6. That is an excellent question. (翻译:on them being hidden without NZT? 这是个好问题 That is an excellent question.)

7. Hide your treachery behind a tough on crime agenda. (翻译:脏礚╬ 腨胓畕 琏琏獭斌竡 Hide your treachery behind a tough on crime agenda.)

8. Hidden silos around the world (翻译:世界各地的发射井地点信息 hidden silos around the world)

9. I think, in Italian, that means a sneaky brownnoser with a hidden agenda, huh? (翻译:我想,在意大利语里面, 意思是心怀鬼胎的卑鄙的马屁精?)

10. The point is that the East German agenda and the Russian agenda may not be the same thing. (翻译:关键就是东德的议程和俄国议程 The point is that the East German agenda and the Russian agenda 可能不一样 may not be the same thing.)

11. I suspect that the Foreign chamber of commerce... might have a hidden agenda. (翻译:元甲,这次洋人商会邀请比武 我看没有那么简单)

12. You have any idea why Jason would have $100,000 in cash hidden in the floorboards of his apartment? (翻译:000 in cash 在他公寓的地板下面吗 hidden in the floorboards of his apartment?)

13. I mean, they were subtly hidden. (翻译:他们被藏在不起眼的地方 They were subtly hidden.)

14. Next on the agenda, Kimberly Fitch is here to present on the library renovations. (翻译:下一项议程 由金伯利·惠誉介绍 Next on the agenda, Kimberly Fitch is here to present)

15. So I will admit that I had a hidden agenda, but getting Bert to come around wasn't the only one. (翻译:然后我要承认我确实隐藏着我的真实打算, 但是把伯特叫来不是唯一的目的。)

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