snapchat是什么意思 snapchat的中文翻译、读音、例句

snapchat是什么意思 snapchat的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:Snapchat是一个流行的社交媒体平台,用户可以分享照片和短视频,这些内容只能在一定时间内被查看,超过时间后自动消失。


- I love using Snapchat to share my daily life with my friends.

- My sister always sends me funny snaps on Snapchat.

- The Snapchat filter is so cool, it can make me look like a dog!

2. 缩写:SNAPCHAT是Snap Inc.的品牌名称缩写,该公司也是应用背后的开发者。


- Have you heard about the new features on the latest version of Snapchat?

- Google is trying to acquire Snapchat for a high price.

- Snapchat's IPO was very successful, making the founders very rich.

3. 安全性:Snapchat的短暂的内容使得在该平台上发布的内容相对安全,因为用户的数据不会被保留太久。


- I like using Snapchat because I don't have to worry about someone seeing my embarrassing photos.

- Some people use Snapchat to send secret messages that disappear quickly.

- The security of Snapchat has been questioned by some people, but I think it's generally pretty safe.

4. 沟通方式:Snapchat的短暂的内容也激发了人们在这个平台上更直接的沟通方式。


- I prefer using Snapchat to text messaging because it's more casual and fun.

- I have a streak on Snapchat with my best friend, we send snaps to each other every day for over a year now.

- Some people use Snapchat to flirt with others by sending cute snaps with filters.

5. 广告营销:Snapchat是很多品牌和公司都会使用的广告营销渠道,因为它可以帮助他们与年轻用户建立联系。


- Many celebrities and influencers use Snapchat to promote their products.

- I once got a free product from a brand because they found me on Snapchat and liked my content.

- Snapchat's advertising revenue has been growing rapidly over the years.




例句:With a unique line to younger voters, Snapchat presents substantive stories on issues like the election and the Flint water crisis in ways they can relate to, Mr. Hamby said. (Snapchat是与更年轻一代选民之间的一种独特的联系,汉比先生说,它以能与自身形式相适应的方式,呈现出大量新闻,比如选举,比如弗林特市水危机。)


例句:But even as our engagement with stories change, or the trappings around it morph from book to audio to Instagram to Snapchat, we must remember our finger beneath the words. (但即使我们对故事的 互动方式发生了改变, 或者故事的载体从书本 变成了音频、Instagram、Snapchat 诸如此类的社交软件, 我们也应该记得 用我们的手指逐一阅读。)


例句:You can imagine in today's attention economy, we're competing against Facebook, Snapchat and PlayStation to try and get these students' time. (如今是注意力经济时代, 我们是在和Facebook, Snapchat,Playstation竞争, 努力争取学生们的时间。)、刷机教程

例句:And when reaching young voters proved to be challenging, I became a Snapchatter. (翻译:当我们发现很难 接触年轻选民的时候, 我就摇身变为了Snapchat用户。)


snapchat一般作为名词使用,如在Snapchat([网络] 图片分享;阅后即焚;刷机教程)等常见短语中出现较多。

Snapchat[网络] 图片分享;阅后即焚;刷机教程


1. You can imagine in today's attention economy, we're competing against Facebook, Snapchat and PlayStation to try and get these students' time. (翻译:如今是注意力经济时代, 我们是在和Facebook, Snapchat,Playstation竞争, 努力争取学生们的时间。)

2. And when reaching young voters proved to be challenging, I became a Snapchatter. (翻译:当我们发现很难 接触年轻选民的时候, 我就摇身变为了Snapchat用户。)

3. These possessions, their lives and their lifestyles are now displayed in vivid detail on the ubiquitous social media platforms of Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. (翻译:这些财产,他们的生活和生活方式 如今非常生动地展示在 无处不在的Instagram Facebook和SnapChat等社交媒体上。)

4. Totally had to tell her that the Robinson twins snapchatted me their abs. (翻译:我告诉她Robinson双胞胎在 snapchat上发了她们的腹肌)

5. From there, it was easy to find him on Instagram, Snapchat and pretty much track his every movement. (翻译:然后就很容易在Instagram和Snapchat上找到他了啊 From there, it was easy to find him on Instagram, Snapchat 基本上可以追踪他的每一个行动 and pretty much track his every movement.)

6. In India, women have already started using Snapchat filters to protect their identity when they speak out about domestic violence. (翻译:在印度,女人已经 开始使用Snapcha过滤 在她们讲述家庭暴力的时候 保护她们的身份 )

7. What if you could sit over beer and invent the next Snapchat, whatever it is, and tomorrow morning it's up and running? (翻译:如果你坐这儿喝着啤酒, 就发明出下一个Snapchat会怎样? 不管发明的是什么吧, 第二天早上它就完工、 投入运行会怎样? )

8. Snapchat, the service which is used mainly by younger generations and claims that its messages only have the life span of a few seconds. (翻译:Snapchat,这种服务主要是年轻人在用, 宣称它上面的信息 )

9. My mom was freaking out, my dad ran around to put out the fire and of course my sister started recording a Snapchat video. (翻译:我妈妈吓坏了, 我爸爸跑过来灭火 我的妹妹?当然是拿起手机 开始录Snapchat视频。)

10. Snapchat had just released a new API, the back-end protocols and code that allow developers to build other software applications. (翻译:当时Snapchat刚刚发布了新的API,这套后端协议和代码可被开发人员用于创建其他软件应用。)

11. Snapchat, your re-election campaign website everything you saw today is confidential. (翻译:阅后即焚 和改选宣传网站上 但你们今天所见的一切都是机密)

12. Ten billion video views on Snapchat, per day. (翻译:Snapchat上有 10亿录像浏览次数 每天 )

13. So what if we could turn that Snapchat generation into effective and safe civic witnesses? (翻译:如果我们可以将Snapchat那一代 转变成 有效的,安全地公民目击会怎样呢? )

14. - Well, I know kids that would rather be dead, than not on Snapchat. (翻译:- Well, I know kids that 如果没有Snapchat就情愿去死 would rather be dead, than not on Snapchat. 或许他有一个别名 Maybe he had an alias.)

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