milliken是什么意思 milliken的中文翻译、读音、例句

milliken是什么意思 milliken的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The speaker for the event was John Milliken, a well-known researcher in the field of astrophysics.(活动的主讲人是约翰·米利肯,一位著名的天体物理学研究人员。)

2. The Milliken family has been living in this town for more than 100 years.(米利肯家族在这个小镇上已经生活了100多年。)

3. The CEO of the company, James Milliken, announced the new product launch at the press conference.(公司的首席执行官詹姆斯·米利肯在新闻发布会上宣布了新产品的推出。)

4. Milliken's work has been widely recognized by the academic community, and he has received numerous awards for his contributions to the field.(米利肯的工作得到了学术界的广泛认可,他因为对该领域做出的贡献获得了许多奖项。)

5. The Milliken Park in Toronto is a popular spot for picnics and outdoor activities.(多伦多的米利肯公园是野餐和户外活动的热门地点。)

6. Milliken Elementary School is known for its excellent academic programs and dedicated teachers.(米利肯小学以其卓越的学术课程和敬业的教师而闻名。)

7. The Milliken Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that supports local businesses and promotes economic development in the area.(米利肯商会是一个非营利性组织,支持当地企业,促进该地区的经济发展。)





例句:My affair with Milliken's wife was stupid and wrong. (我和米力肯老婆的关系是... -愚蠢并且错误的)


例句:His name is Roger Milliken. And Mr. Milliken agreed, and Dr. Robicsek agreed. And Dr. Robicsek visited and delivered the lecture and it was a dazzling success. (他就是罗杰 麦利肯。麦利肯先生和 罗宾斯克先生都同意见面了。罗宾斯克先生的精彩的演讲结束后,)


例句:The DNA taken from the body of Laurence Milliken today and the DNA taken 10 years ago from the blood of the Tornado are a 100% match. (从今天的死者劳伦斯·米利肯尸体上 提取的DNA 和xx年前从龙卷风血液中取得的DNA 完全匹配)


例句:What have you been up to since we last talked if you weren't at Milliken's? (翻译:如果你没去米利根的家, 那么我们谈话后你去哪里了?)


milliken一般作为名词使用,如在milliken conductor(分割导体)等常见短语中出现较多。

milliken conductor分割导体


1. The DNA taken from the body of Laurence Milliken today and the DNA taken 10 years ago from the blood of the Tornado are a 100% match. (翻译:从今天的死者劳伦斯·米利肯尸体上 提取的DNA 和xx年前从龙卷风血液中取得的DNA 完全匹配)

2. What have you been up to since we last talked if you weren't at Milliken's? (翻译:如果你没去米利根的家, 那么我们谈话后你去哪里了?)

3. Mr Milliken is unlikely to rule on this until after the Easter break. (翻译:议长米利肯不太可能在复活节假期结束之前对此做出裁决。)

4. You told the police Sherry was with you at the time of Milliken's death. (翻译:你告诉警方米力肯死的时候 雪利是和你在一起)

5. Illinois, Mary Sue Milliken. (翻译:来自伊利诺伊州的Mary Sue Milliken)

6. Mrs. Palmer indicated to our detectives that she was not at Milliken residence this evening, that she was here with you. (翻译:帕默尔夫人告诉我们的侦探她当时不在米力肯 的住所,她和你在一起)

7. And, if Alan Milliken is threatening your ability to lead this country, he will be stopped. (翻译:如果米立肯威胁你领导这个国家的能力, 他会被阻止)

8. I wanted to exploit the fact that Milliken may not have had time to cover his tracks when he had someone grab Kelly. (翻译:我想找出米利根找人绑架凯利时, 可能没有及时掩盖住的蛛丝马迹)

9. And what they were arguing about was this: whether the second Harry Potter movie was as good as the first. (Laughter) Mr. Milliken said it was not. Dr. Robicsek disagreed. (翻译:而他们争论的内容是: 第二部哈利波特电影有没有第一部好看。麦利肯先生说没有,罗宾斯克先生不同意。)

10. Is there any reason you can think of that would have prompted Mrs. Milliken to accuse Mrs. Palmer? (翻译:你知道是什么使米力肯夫人指控帕默尔夫人吗?)

11. And Dr. Robicsek reeled back in his chair, but quickly gathered his wits, leaned forward and said, "Well, that is true, but I'll bet you went to the movie with a grandchild." "Well, yes, I did," conceded Mr. Milliken. (翻译:但很快恢复了斗智, 往前倾了倾说,“我得确没读过,但是我敢打赌, 你是和孙子一起去看电影的吧。”“对,是的。”麦利肯先生勉强承认道。)

12. His name is Roger Milliken. And Mr. Milliken agreed, and Dr. Robicsek agreed. And Dr. Robicsek visited and delivered the lecture and it was a dazzling success. (翻译:他就是罗杰 麦利肯。麦利肯先生和 罗宾斯克先生都同意见面了。罗宾斯克先生的精彩的演讲结束后, )

13. Mr. President, with respect to the death of Alan Milliken, I know you lied. (翻译:总统先生,关于艾伦 米力肯的死, 我知道你说了慌)

14. And Dr. Robicsek reeled back in his chair, but quickly gathered his wits, leaned forward and said, "Well, that is true, but I'll bet you went to the movie with a grandchild." "Well, yes, I did," conceded Mr. Milliken. (翻译:但很快恢复了斗智, 往前倾了倾说,“我得确没读过,但是我敢打赌, 你是和孙子一起去看电影的吧。”“对,是的。”麦利肯先生勉强承认道。)

15. Free of Milliken's extortion, his death free of Sherry's involvement. (翻译:包括米力肯的勒索和他的死亡 包括雪莉的卷入)



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