drv是什么意思 drv的中文翻译、读音、例句

drv是什么意思 drv的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 缩写词:

a. Device driver (设备驱动程序),是一种软件,可将计算机与硬件设备(如打印机、扫描仪、键盘等)连接起来,帮助操作系统识别并控制设备的功能。


- I need to download a new drv for my printer so it can work properly.(我需要下载一款新的打印机驱动程序,以便它能正常工作。)

- The drv for this scanner is not compatible with this version of the operating system.(这个扫描仪的驱动程序与此版本的操作系统不兼容。)

b. Design response vector (设计响应向量),是指在进行实验设计时,响应变量的取值所组成的向量。


- The drv used in the experiment was carefully chosen to ensure accurate measurement of the design response vector.(实验中使用的响应向量测量器被精心选择,以确保准确测量设计响应向量。)

- By analyzing the drv, the researchers were able to determine the optimal settings for the experimental variables.(通过分析设计响应向量,研究人员能够确定实验变量的最佳设置。)

2. 单词


a. Digital remote video (数字远程视频),是一种基于数字技术的视频监控系统。


- The company's head office is equipped with a state-of-the-art drv system to monitor operations in all of its branches.(公司总部配备了最先进的数字远程视频系统,以监控其所有分支机构的运营情况。)

b. De-reverberation vector (去混响向量),是指在语音信号处理中,用于消除混响影响的特定算法。


- The drv algorithm significantly improved the clarity and intelligibility of the speaker's voice, even in a noisy and echoey environment.(混响消除向量算法显著改善了演讲者的声音清晰度和可懂度,即使在嘈杂和回音丛生的环境中也是如此。)

3. 缩写中的其他含义:


a. Drive (驱动器),是指计算机中用于存储数据的设备,如硬盘、光盘、U盘等。


- My computer's hard drv is running out of space, I need to delete some files.(我的电脑硬盘空间不够了,我需要删除一些文件。)

- The installation of the game requires a CD or DVD drv.(安装这个游戏需要一个光盘驱动器。)

b. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (兽医学博士),是指完成兽医学博士学位课程的人员。


- After earning her drv, she opened her own veterinary practice.(在获得兽医学博士后,她开了自己的兽医诊所。)

- The university's drv program is highly regarded for its rigorous curriculum and hands-on training.(该大学的兽医学博士课程以其严格的课程和实际的训练而广受好评。)


drv的中文翻译为驱动程序,读音为 /dɪ'raɪv/。


1. 我需要一个drv文件来安装这个打印机。

I need a drv file to install this printer.

2. 你需要安装正确的drv才能让你的手柄在电脑上运行。

You need to install the correct drv to make your controller work on the computer.




例句:The DRV_OPEN message identifies the instance handle and may include configuration information for the instance. (DRV_OPEN消息标识实例句柄,也可能带有实例的配置信息。)


例句:DRV drivers to protected mode as well. (DRV 驱动转到了保护模式。)


例句:Objective to investigate the feasibility and stability of DRV type liposome to be used as a immune adjuvant. (目的对DRV型脂质体作为免疫佐剂的可行性及稳定性进行研究。)


例句:When processing the DRV_CLOSE message, the driver typically frees any memory or resources allocated for the instance. (翻译:当处理DRV_CLOSE消息时,典型情况下,驱动程序会删除为该实例申请的内存和资源。)


1. Objective to investigate the feasibility and stability of DRV type liposome to be used as a immune adjuvant. (翻译:目的对DRV型脂质体作为免疫佐剂的可行性及稳定性进行研究。)

2. When processing the DRV_CLOSE message, the driver typically frees any memory or resources allocated for the instance. (翻译:当处理DRV_CLOSE消息时,典型情况下,驱动程序会删除为该实例申请的内存和资源。)

3. Nguyen An: Are there other evidence from the DRV presented by China regarding sovereignty? (翻译:阮一个:是否有由中国提出的关于主权DRV其他证据?)

4. When processing the DRV_FREE message, the driver frees any memory or resources that are still allocated. (翻译:当处理DRV_FREE消息时,驱动程序会释放任何还没有释放的内存和资源。)

5. Microsoft ported the real-mode . DRV drivers to protected mode as well. (翻译:同时把实模式的.drv驱动也转到了保护模式。)

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