camels是什么意思 camels的中文翻译、读音、例句

camels是什么意思 camels的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'camels' 是一个名词,指的是一种骆驼,一种有长脖子和驼峰的哺乳动物,可以在沙漠和其他干旱的环境中存活。



- camel milk:骆驼奶

- camel trekking:骆驼穿越

- camel caravan:骆驼队

- camel ride:骆驼骑行

- pack camels:驮骆驼

- camel hair:骆驼毛

- camel racing:骆驼赛跑



1. In the desert, camels are often used as a means of transportation.(在沙漠地区,骆驼通常被用作交通工具。)

2. The humps on a camel's back store fat, not water.(骆驼背部的驼峰储存的是脂肪而非水。)

3. The Bedouin people have lived in the desert with camels for centuries.(贝都因人民用骆驼在沙漠中生活了几个世纪。)

4. Camels can go for long periods of time without water, making them well-suited for desert environments.(骆驼可以很长时间不喝水,在沙漠环境中表现出色。)

5. When riding a camel, it's important to hold on tight so you don't fall off.(骑骆驼时,紧紧抓住不要掉下来很重要。)

6. The fur of a camel can be used to make warm clothing.(骆驼毛可以用来制作保暖服装。)

7. In some countries, camel racing is a popular sport.(在一些国家,骆驼赛跑是一项很受欢迎的运动。)

中文翻译:骆驼(luò tuó)

读音:lù tuó


1. In the desert, camels are often used as a means of transportation. (在沙漠中,骆驼经常被用作交通工具。)

2. Camels have large humps on their backs that store fat, which they can use as energy when food and water are scarce. (骆驼背上有大大的驼峰,存储着脂肪,在食物和水稀缺的情况下可以用来提供能量。)

3. Camels have adapted to living in hot and dry environments, and can go long periods of time without water. (骆驼适应了生活在炎热干燥的环境中,可以长时间不喝水。)




例句:In other words, he was unwilling to treat this as anything but a concrete problem, and he was used to camels being in villages, and he was quite unable to use the hypothetical, to ask himself what if there were no camels in Germany. (换句话说,他只愿意将这个问题 当成一个具体的问题来回答。他习惯于骆驼是豢养在村庄里的, 他自己真的无法假设 德国真的就没有骆驼。)


例句:The camels can walk on through the sandstorm but they need their riders to navigate. (骆驼可以在沙尘暴中前进 但是需要骑行者识别方向)


例句:'Thanks, Ernie, ' I said, and slipped him half a pack of Camels. (“多谢!”我说,偷偷递给他半包骆驼牌香烟。)


例句:It delves into everything from seasickness, jet lag and the hazards of camels to malaria and plague. (翻译:它探究了从晕船、时差和骆驼的危害到疟疾和瘟疫的一切。)


camels一般作为名词使用,如在dromedary camels([网络] 单峰骆驼)、sleep camels(工作骆驼(在工作日争分夺秒工作,睡眠时间很少,到了周末就大睡特睡补充睡眠同时为下一周积聚能量的工作狂))等常见短语中出现较多。

dromedary camels[网络] 单峰骆驼
sleep camels工作骆驼(在工作日争分夺秒工作,睡眠时间很少,到了周末就大睡特睡补充睡眠同时为下一周积聚能量的工作狂)


1. 'Thanks, Ernie, ' I said, and slipped him half a pack of Camels. (翻译:“多谢!”我说,偷偷递给他半包骆驼牌香烟。)

2. It delves into everything from seasickness, jet lag and the hazards of camels to malaria and plague. (翻译:它探究了从晕船、时差和骆驼的危害到疟疾和瘟疫的一切。)

3. And I also played with camels. (翻译:我也和骆驼玩了。)

4. They start off like 17 camels -- no way to resolve it. (翻译:开始他们有17只骆驼--这根本就没办法解决。)

5. And they said, "Yeah, yeah, we'll walk. We'll find some camels." (翻译:他们说:“是的是的,我们步行吧。我们会找到一些骆驼的。” )

6. And Gideon arose, and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and took away the ornaments that were on their camels' necks. (翻译:基甸就起来,杀了西巴和撒慕拿,夺获他们骆驼项上戴的月牙圈。)

7. The camels must limit themselves to the equivalent of just 10 litres a day. (翻译:骆驼必须限定自己 每天只能吃10升左右的雪)

8. But animal doctor Pradeep Singhal blames the decrease in camels mainly on the influence of the outside world. (翻译:但是动物医生Pradeep Singhal把骆驼减少主要归咎于外部世界的影响。)

9. Once more the patient camels carried their burdens from Kashgar to Damascus. (翻译:那生病的骆驼驮着重负穿越喀什到达大马士革。)

10. Dromedaries, single-humped camels, take these storms in their stride. (翻译:单峰驼――只有一个肉峰的骆驼, 顶着沙暴大步行走)

11. And they said, "Yeah, yeah, we'll walk. We'll find some camels." (翻译:他们说:“是的是的,我们步行吧。我们会找到一些骆驼的。”)

12. To the second son, he left a third of the camels, and to the youngest son, he left a ninth of the camels. (翻译:给二儿子三分之一的骆驼; 给小儿子九分之一的骆驼。)

13. The goal is to ride camels in synchronized pairs, side by side. (翻译:两两一组 目标是骑手展示出同步性 齐头并进)

14. In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels. (翻译:在古时候,这常常由一队拉行李的骆驼来完成。)

15. he took elephants, camels, lions and monkeys to his wedding. (翻译:他带着大象,骆驼,狮子和猴子去了他的婚礼。)

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