belong是什么意思 belong的中文翻译、读音、例句

belong是什么意思 belong的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和意思:'belong'是一个动词,意思是属于、归属于。

2. 用法和搭配:'belong'通常用于介词' to'或'with'搭配,表示属于某人或某物,或符合某种组织或群体。此外,'belong'还可以和其他词汇搭配使用,例如'belonging'和'belongings'。

3. 同义词和反义词:'belong'的同义词包括'be in the possession of'、'be the property of'等;反义词包括'own'、'disown'等。


1. 这本书属于我。This book belongs to me.

2. 这个球队很适合他。This team is a good fit for him.

3. 我们应该为自己的行为负责。We should take responsibility for our actions.

4. 这个城市让我感到像家一样。This city makes me feel at home.

5. 我已经把所有物品都装进了箱子里。I have packed all my belongings in the box.


1. This pen belongs to my sister.


2. I don't think I belong in this group.


3. These clothes belong in the laundry basket.


4. Does this book belong to you?

这本书是你的吗5. She felt like she didn't belong anywhere.





1. This book belongs to me. (这本书是我的。)

2. The responsibility for the accident belongs to the driver. (事故的责任归咎于司机。)

3. That dress doesn't belong with those shoes. (那件裙子不适合搭配那双鞋。)

4. It doesn't belong in this category. (这不属于这个类别。)




例句:They no longer belong to anyone (他们不再属于哪个人 They no longer belong to anyone)


例句:They wanted to belong somewhere but only seemed to belong with each other. (他们也想身有所属, 但似乎他们只属于彼此。)


例句:This is exactly where I belong, Tink. (这里才是我真正该待的地方 叮当 This is exactly where I belong, Tink.)


例句:- To whereyou belong, Johnny Dingle. (翻译:- 要whereyou属, 约翰尼・丁格尔。)


belong一般作为动词使用,如在not belong to([网络] 不属于;美;不属于)、need to belong(un. 归属的需要\n[网络] 归属需求;归属感;归属需要)、you belong([网络] 你属于我们;你属于我们;你属于谁)等常见短语中出现较多。

not belong to[网络] 不属于;美;不属于
need to belongun. 归属的需要\n[网络] 归属需求;归属感;归属需要
you belong[网络] 你属于我们;你属于我们;你属于谁
we belong together[网络] 我们属于彼此;我要我们在一起;我们属于彼此


1. This is exactly where I belong, Tink. (翻译:这里才是我真正该待的地方 叮当 This is exactly where I belong, Tink.)

2. - To whereyou belong, Johnny Dingle. (翻译:- 要whereyou属, 约翰尼・丁格尔。)

3. Everything I own will belong to you. (翻译:Everything I own will belong to you. 所有我的东西也就是你的。)

4. Finally get to be Somewhere we belong It's my favorite day (翻译:Finally get to be somewhere we belong 终于到达我们属于的地方)

5. You belong somewhere very special. (翻译:你属于一个很特别的地方 You belong somewhere very special.)

6. You do not belong with us. (翻译:You do not belong with us.)

7. Because this is where I belong. (翻译:因为我属于这里 Because this is where I belong.)

8. they are your things, they belong to you. (翻译:因为他们是你的孩子, 你的东西,即使我想拍他们)

9. Dees this radio belong to you? (翻译:这台收音机是你的吗? )

10. To have my family back with me where they belong. (翻译:让我家人回到我身边 这才是他们的归宿 to have my family back with me where they belong.)

11. After all, even I belong to this family. (翻译:even I belong to this family.)

12. They need to feel they belong. (翻译:他们需要有归属感。)

13. I don't belong here. You belong here as much as anybody does. (翻译:—这儿不是我呆的地方—你跟他们一样、是属于这儿的)

14. 100 bucks says that's the boat they used (翻译:那些头发一定是丹尼·索拉诺的 and those hairs belong to Danny Solano.)

15. You and that Daimler belong together. (翻译:-先生 我不能接受 你跟那辆车是天生一对 史蒂文斯)

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