读音:cannibal holocaust [kænɪbl ˈhɑːləkɔːst]
1. 这部电影讲述了一群摄影记者深入亚马逊雨林,然后发现了一个被食人族居住的村庄,在那里发生了许多血腥事件,是一部惊险恐怖的影片。
This film tells the story of a group of photojournalists who venture deep into the Amazon rainforest and discover a village inhabited by cannibals, where many bloody events occur. It is a thrilling and terrifying movie.
2. 《食人族大屠杀》是一部极具争议的电影,由于其中展现的暴力和残忍场面而在很多国家被禁止上映。
Cannibal Holocaust is a highly controversial film that has been banned from screening in many countries due to its portrayal of violence and brutality.