1. 词义:'thumbnails'是指缩略图,通常是一幅图像的小图像版本。此外,它也可以指覆盖在手指甲上的小部件,用来防止指甲撞击和损伤。
2. 词性:'thumbnails'是复数形式的名词。
3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:generate thumbnails (生成缩略图)、view thumbnails (查看缩略图)、thumbnail sketch (素描)。
4. 短语:无。
5. 发音拼写:[ˈθʌmneɪlz]。
1. The website displays a series of thumbnails down the page, allowing users to select which images they want to view in full size. (这个网站在页面上展示了一系列缩略图,允许用户选择他们想要查看的图像的全尺寸。)
2. Our digital camera automatically generates thumbnails of all the photos we take. (我们的数码相机会自动生成我们拍摄的所有照片的缩略图。)
3. She painted a quick thumbnail sketch of the landscape to get a sense of the composition. (她画了一幅快速的风景素描,以便感受一下构图。)
4. The thumbnails in the nail salon were designed to protect customers' nails from damage. (美甲店里的那些小部件是为了防止顾客的指甲受到损伤。)
5. I prefer to view my photos as thumbnails so I can quickly find the one I want. (我更喜欢以缩略图的形式查看我的照片,这样我可以很快找到我想要的那张。)
1. Please provide thumbnails of all the images for easy browsing.
2. The website displays thumbnails of the latest products on the homepage.
3. I need to resize these pictures into smaller thumbnails for my presentation.
例句:I knew a design professor that would make his students generate twenty-five or more unique thumbnails for every single project. (我知道设计专业的教授有时候会让学生每次为同一个项目创作25个或更多的草图。)
例句:Results are displayed with graphical thumbnails of each Web site. (每个网站的搜索结果会用图形化的提要显示出来。)
例句:You can use thumbnails to select slides out of sequence and create a customized presentation for your audience. (使用缩略图,您可以不按顺序选择幻灯片,并且可以为观众创建自定义演示文稿。)
thumbnails一般作为名词使用,如在Thumbnails view(缩微视图)等常见短语中出现较多。
Thumbnails view | 缩微视图 |
1. You can use thumbnails to select slides out of sequence and create a customized presentation for your audience. (翻译:使用缩略图,您可以不按顺序选择幻灯片,并且可以为观众创建自定义演示文稿。)
2. These thumbnails are from The Gleaners and I which came out in 2000. (翻译:这是《拾荒者》的影片截图 是在xx年上映的那部)
3. Instead, it apparently made it easer for users to skip over results with thumbnails when these weren't relevant to their searches. (翻译:相反,当缩略图和用户搜索内容无关时,用户更容易忽略这些搜索结果。)
4. Note: In the DB mode, outline of thumbnails will turn red color, while that of thumbnails is blue color in the Tree mode. (翻译:注意:在DB模式中,边框显示红色,而在子目录中,边框显示蓝色。)
5. She can familiarize herself with the faces of her teammates by switching to the thumbnails view. (翻译:她可以通过切换到缩略图视图,从而让自己熟悉队友的面孔。)
6. PTG File Thumbnails: Your painting files are now given thumbnails in your OS. (翻译:PTG文件缩略图:你的图画文件现在都有小图标啦。)
7. A typical search scenario using YIF is as follows: a user provides a few search keywords and the most relevant images are returned and presented in the form of thumbnails. (翻译:使用YIF进行的一个典型搜索情景如下:用户提供几个搜索关键词,最相关的图片被返回并以缩略图的形式展示。)
8. And now users can view thumbnails of open tasks across the bottom of the screen. (翻译:现在,用户可以查看屏幕下端已开启任务的缩略图。)
9. Search for videos, and you'll see the results as thumbnails. (翻译:搜索视频后可看到视频缩略结果。)
10. Foveal area is a tight area of about two degrees of visual field or two thumbnails held in front of your eyes. (翻译:中心凹区相当于两度视野或者放在你眼前的两个缩略图大小的紧密区域。)
11. Instead, it apparently made it easer for users to skip over results with thumbnails when these weren't relevant to their searches. (翻译:相反,当缩略图和用户搜索内容无关时,用户更容易忽略这些搜索结果。)