tammy是什么意思 tammy的中文翻译、读音、例句

tammy是什么意思 tammy的中文翻译、读音、例句




- She bought a new pair of tammy shoes for hiking.

- The curtains in the living room were made of tammy fabric.

- He wore a tammy hat to protect himself from the sun.

2. 'tammy'也可以是一个形容词,用来形容一种光滑、柔软的质地。这个词被用来描述皮肤、头发等具有丝绸般的柔软感觉。


- Her hair is so tammy and silky.

- The moisturizer made her skin feel tammy and smooth.

- This fur coat is made of tammy material.

3. 'TAMMY'也可以是一个缩写词,代表'Theatre Arts Master Mind for Youth'。这是一个鼓励青少年参与戏剧表演和创作的组织,旨在培养他们的表演和创造才能。


- She participated in the TAMMY program and learned how to write a play.

- The TAMMY organization provides opportunities for young actors to perform on stage.

- The TAMMY award ceremony honored outstanding young playwrights.






1. She wore a dress made of tammy, which was light and soft.


2. The curtains in the living room are made of tammy, adding a touch of elegance to the room.





例句:If you stop being stupid, start playing along with us, you might just get some of Tammy. (只要你别再装傻 乖乖和我们合作 也许你也可以尝一尝唐妮)


例句:How else would you know about n-baco and Tammy Gellis? What? (不然你怎么知道退火熏月 和谭米·格里斯的)


例句:Tammy was raised by her grandparents. (塔米是由她的祖父母抚养大的。)


例句:Tammy: You can do biceps, absolutely. (翻译:塔米:你绝对可以做二头肌训练。)


tammy一般作为名词使用,如在Tammy Wynette([网络] 泰咪怀尼特;泰咪温妮特;万妮特)、tammy wynettes([网络] 泰咪怀尼特;泰咪温妮特;万妮特\n(tammy wynette 的复数))、Tammy Wynetter Pugh([网络] Tammy Wynette Pugh)等常见短语中出现较多。

Tammy Wynette[网络] 泰咪怀尼特;泰咪温妮特;万妮特
tammy wynettes[网络] 泰咪怀尼特;泰咪温妮特;万妮特\n(tammy wynette 的复数)
Tammy Wynetter Pugh[网络] Tammy Wynette Pugh
tammy wynetter pughs[网络] Tammy Wynette Pugh\n(tammy wynetter pugh 的复数)


1. Tammy was raised by her grandparents. (翻译:塔米是由她的祖父母抚养大的。)

2. Tammy: You can do biceps, absolutely. (翻译:塔米:你绝对可以做二头肌训练。)

3. But I know for a fact Tammy only smoked after a good drive. (翻译:知道一个事实,陈怡蓉 一个良好的驱动器后,只有熏。)

4. If you don't know by now that Tammy's in love with you, you're just plain stupid, Peter. (翻译:如果你如今还不知道塔米爱上了你 你真是傻透了 皮特 甚至对一个男人来说)

5. We must have fallen asleep Tammy and then made a sound. (翻译:我们一定是睡着了 塔米,然后做了一个声音。)

6. Well, yeah, Tammy liked to drive her dad's thresher... but, I mean... (翻译:嗯,是的,陈怡蓉喜欢 开她父亲的脱粒机. 但是,我的意思是.)

7. What about Tammy Metzler? She's anti this and anti that. (翻译:还有泰咪・麦兹勒 她总是反抗这个反抗那个的)

8. Me and Tammy will reach behind this panel and Nandu you, disguised as Vikki will open this panel so both of us can come in. (翻译:我和塔米会到达那... 而南都你伪装成维奇打开面板...)

9. Here is an affidavit from Mr. Gardner and Tammy Linnata. (翻译:这是一份Gardner先生 和Tammy Linnata的宣誓书)

10. I'm slow at figuring things out, Tammy, but this is plain enough even for me to understand! (翻译:我明白事情很慢 塔米 但对我来说这也够明白了!)

11. I'm Tammy. My baptized name is Tambrey. It means immortal. (翻译:我是塔米 我的施洗名是塔布蕊 意思是永恒)

12. Finetti, let Tammy know you're attracted to her. (翻译:Finetti ,让棉经毛纬平纹呢 认识你对她被吸引。)

13. You know, he's got three of his sons on stage and his brother Dannie there, and his wife Tammy's there. (翻译:他的三个儿子都在舞台上 他哥哥丹尼在,他妻子泰米也在)

14. Me and Tammy have decided, why not include Mohini in our plan too? (翻译:我和塔米都认为... 应该向莫希妮全盘托出)

15. Trey broke up with Tammy because Maureen Kinallen said... that she saw Tammy flirting with Walt Timby at a party. (翻译:特雷把塔米甩了 是因为他听莫琳・柯娜伦说... 她看到塔米和沃尔特・提姆比在一起调情)



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