1. 词义:'idock'是一种计算机化学软件,用于分子对接和药物筛选领域。
2. 词性:idock为名词。
3. 词组搭配:无。
4. 短语:无。
5. 发音拼写:[aɪ.dɑk]
1. idock是一种高效的分子对接软件,在药物研究中有广泛的应用。 (idock is an efficient molecular docking software with wide applications in drug research.)
2. 利用idock进行虚拟筛选可以大大缩短药物设计的时间和成本。 (Using idock for virtual screening can significantly shorten the time and cost of drug design.)
3. idock支持多种输入格式和输出格式,方便与其他软件集成使用。 (idock supports multiple input and output formats, making it easy to integrate with other software.)
4. idock的准确性和效率得到了许多研究人员的肯定,广泛应用于分子对接研究。 (idock's accuracy and efficiency have been recognized by many researchers and are widely used in molecular docking studies.)
5. idock在分子对接领域的应用正在不断拓展,成为药物研发的重要工具之一。 (The application of idock in molecular docking is constantly expanding, making it an important tool for drug development.)
1. Scientists have used idock to screen potential drug candidates for the treatment of cancer.
2. The accuracy of idock results has been validated by experimental studies.