roil是什么意思 roil的中文翻译、读音、例句

roil是什么意思 roil的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:roil是一个动词,意思是搅浑,扰乱。

2. 同义词:stir up, disturb, agitate, unsettle, perturb。

3. 反义词:calm, soothe, pacify, settle, quiet。

4. 用法:roil常常用于形容气体或者液体的混乱或扰动,也可以用于形容人的情绪或行为的激烈或不稳定。

5. 派生词:roiling (形容词),roiled (过去式和过去分词)。


1. The storm cloud roiled above us, and we knew we were in for a rough night. (风暴云在我们头顶上翻滚,我们知道今晚不好过。)

2. The river was roiled after the heavy rain, making it difficult for the fishermen to see the fish. (大雨之后,河水被搅浑,钓鱼者很难看到鱼。)

3. The politician's scandal roiled the country, causing protests and unrest. (政治人物的丑闻搅动了全国,引起了抗议和不安。)

4. The chef roiled the eggs until they were fluffy and light. (厨师把鸡蛋搅拌到轻盈松软。)

5. The stock market was roiled by the unexpected announcement, causing investors to panic. (意外的公告搅动了股市,导致投资者恐慌。)




1. The storm roiled the ocean, making it dangerous for boats to sail.(风暴搅动了海洋,使得船只难以航行。)

2. His words had the power to roil the crowd and incite them to violence.(他的话能够激怒人群并引起暴力。)

3. The scandal continues to roil the political world.(这个丑闻继续扰乱政治世界。)




例句:The officials worried that appearing to nationalize the company would further roil markets. (政府官员担心,对花旗进行国有化的迹象会进一步动摇市场。)


例句:I haven't got all day! -All right, I warned you, I warned you. -All right, Charlie, br-r-roil the biggie ! (我一天都没吃饭了!-好的,我警告过您,我警告过您。-好的,查理,烤大汉堡!)


例句:Allegations of collusion roil the start-up business. (对勾结的申述搅乱新办企业。)


例句:This is not only fun but also exorcises the anger, frustration, and hurt feelings that roil within each of us against our boss at one point or another. (翻译:这不仅是一种娱乐,而且可以排解咱心一度都会对上司涌起的怒火、失望和怨气。)


1. Allegations of collusion roil the start-up business. (翻译:对勾结的申述搅乱新办企业。)

2. This is not only fun but also exorcises the anger, frustration, and hurt feelings that roil within each of us against our boss at one point or another. (翻译:这不仅是一种娱乐,而且可以排解咱心一度都会对上司涌起的怒火、失望和怨气。)

3. The springs roil the waters they flow into in a phantasmal slipstream. (翻译:泉水涌动着死海的水,形成一种幻影般的水流效果。)

4. Times of national turmoil generally roil a country's financial markets. (翻译:国家动荡不安的时候,通常引起金融市场混乱。)



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