bios是什么意思 bios的中文翻译、读音、例句

bios是什么意思 bios的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:bios可以指生命,也可以指生命体的生物学特性、生命体系及其相互关系,还可以指计算机中的基本输入输出系统。

2. 词性:bios是一个名词,单数形式为bio,复数形式为bios。

3. 词组搭配:

- 生物学:molecular bios, synthetic bios, cell bios

- 计算机科学:bios upgrade, bios settings, bios password

4. 短语:

- biosphere:生物圈

- biochemistry:生物化学

- biostatistics:生物统计学

5. 发音拼写:['baɪɑs]

6. 相关例句:

- The study of biosphere science is critical to understanding the planet's ecology.(生物圈科学的研究对于理解地球的生态至关重要。)

- Biostatistics is used to analyze and interpret medical data.(生物统计用于分析和解释医学数据。)

- The molecular bios of cancer cells is currently being researched.(目前正在研究癌细胞的分子生物学。)

- The bios of the new computer is much faster than the old one.(新计算机的bios比旧计算机的快得多。)

- He upgraded his computer's bios to improve its performance.(他升级了计算机的bios以提高其性能。)

- The bios settings can be adjusted to optimize the computer's performance.(可以调整bios设置以优化计算机的性能。)

- He forgot his bios password and had to reset it.(他忘记了计算机的bios密码,不得不重置。)

BiOS不是一种国家语言,而是技术领域中的一个词语,它是英文“Basic Input/Output System”(基本输入输出系统)的缩写。BiOS是一种计算机固件,是计算机最基本的系统软件,它直接控制着计算机的硬件设备和操作系统的引导启动。



1. The computer won't start up, maybe the BiOS is corrupted.(电脑启动不了,可能是BiOS损坏了。)

2. You need to enter BiOS to change the boot order.(你需要进入BiOS修改启动顺序。)

3. The BiOS settings on this motherboard are pretty advanced.(这个主板的BiOS设置相当先进。)

4. The BiOS beep codes can tell you what's wrong with your computer.(BiOS的蜂鸣提示音可以告诉你电脑出了什么问题。)

5. The BiOS update fixed the compatibility issue with the new CPU.(BiOS更新修复了与新CPU的兼容性问题。)

6. You can clear the BiOS password by removing the CMOS battery.(你可以通过拆下CMOS电池来清除BiOS密码。)

7. The BiOS chip on this computer is soldered onto the motherboard.(这台电脑的BiOS芯片焊在主板上。)

8. The BiOS setup utility is where you can change the system time and date.(BiOS设置工具是你可以更改系统时间和日期的地方。)

9. Some high-end BiOSes have built-in overclocking features.(一些高端BiOS带有内置的超频功能。)





1. The biosphere is the layer of the Earth where all living organisms exist.


2. The study of bios is an important part of biology.


3. The bios of a particular region can tell us a lot about the environment and ecosystem.





例句:For this reason, most BIOSes allow ports that are not in use to be disabled. (因此,大多数BIOS允许将不被使用的端口设置为禁用。)


例句:No measurable radiation, no bios, zero toxicity, pH normal. (没有衡量的辐射,没有任何的BIOS , 零毒性, pH值正常。)


例句:Currently, if you need to flash many computers for BIOS, BMC, or other firmware updates, you are presented with a large problem. (目前,如果需要对许多计算机进行BIOS、BMC或其他固件更新,就会遇到一个大问题。)


例句:BIOS is one of just a handful of institutes worldwide that regularly monitor the ocean for physical and chemical changes. (翻译:百慕大研究所正式世界上仅有的几个能够定期监控海洋物理和化学变化的机构之一。)


bios一般作为名词使用,如在BiOS(基本输入输出系统 )、unicellular bios(单细胞生物)等常见短语中出现较多。

unicellular bios单细胞生物


1. Currently, if you need to flash many computers for BIOS, BMC, or other firmware updates, you are presented with a large problem. (翻译:目前,如果需要对许多计算机进行BIOS、BMC或其他固件更新,就会遇到一个大问题。)

2. BIOS is one of just a handful of institutes worldwide that regularly monitor the ocean for physical and chemical changes. (翻译:百慕大研究所正式世界上仅有的几个能够定期监控海洋物理和化学变化的机构之一。)

3. - Install Bios level fail safe circuitrie! (翻译:安装Bios级的防故障软件 Bios什么?)

4. Uncompress and initialize any platform specific BIOS modules. GPNV is initialized at this checkpoint. (翻译:解压缩并初始化各个平台的细节模块。在这一步GPNV被初始化。)

5. IPMI offers a way to remotely power-cycle a machine, as well as have remote console viewable to see the machine boot from BIOS. (翻译:IPMI提供了远程控制机器电源的方法,还提供远程控制台,可以观察计算机的BIOS引导过程。)

6. This overwrote everything including the BIOS Settings in memory. (翻译:这将覆写一切并包括内存中的BIOS设置。)

7. I like the way that sounds. (翻译:直到我找到了隐藏在BIOS交互界面的东西)

8. This is most likely to occur in a BIOS that does not have LBA support, or some older boot managers. (翻译:这很可能出现在没有LBA支持的BIOS中或者某些旧版本的引导管理器中。)

9. In recent versions of GNU Parted, you can set the bios_grub option on a partition to turn it into a BIOS boot partition. (翻译:在近期的GNUParted版本中,可以将分区上的bios_grub选项设成BIOS启动分区。)

10. I send him pictures and bios, he picks a girl. (翻译:我给他发女孩的图片和相关资料 他就来挑选)

11. Try into the motherboard BIOS, the graphics card slot to adjust the voltage slightly to increase the point of view okay. (翻译:试试进主板BIOS,调整下显卡插槽的电压,稍稍调高点看行不行。)

12. Change PCI device booting order in the server BIOS. (翻译:更改服务器BIOS中的PCI设备引导顺序。)

13. This section provides a brief overview of the different types of MUTT devices, the tests you can run by using the device, and suggests topologies for controller, hub, device, and BIOS/UEFI testing. (翻译:本节提供了不同类型的MUTT设备,您可以使用该设备运行测试的简要介绍,并提出了拓扑控制器,集线器,设备和BIOS / UEFI测试。)

14. Many modern BIOSes include a boot menu from where you can change the priority of your devices on the fly - try pressing the 'Escape' key or F12 when you first see something on the screen. (翻译:许多现代的BIOS包含了一个启动菜单,在这里你可以动态地修改设备的启动优先级。)

15. The BIOS is doing nothing but providing information, and much of the information it provides won't even be used. (翻译:BIOS并没有做什么其他工作,仅仅是提供信息而已,并且它所提供的很多信息也都不会被使用。)

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