southern blot是什么意思 southern blot的中文翻译、读音、例句

southern blot是什么意思 southern blot的中文翻译、读音、例句

Southern blot是一种分子生物学技术,主要用于检测DNA分子的特定序列。以下是四个方面的具体说明:

1. 定义:Southern blot是一种分离DNA分子并检测特定序列的方法。它通常涉及以下步骤:从细胞或组织中分离DNA并将其切割成片段,然后使用电泳将这些DNA片段分离。接着,将DNA片段转移到膜上,用一段称为探针的DNA序列进行杂交并检测目标序列是否存在。

2. 起源:Southern blot技术最初由英国分子生物学家爱德华·索顿(Edward Southern)在xx年发明,用于检测RNA序列。后来,这项技术被改良为检测DNA序列。

3. 应用:Southern blot技术可以用于检测基因突变、DNA甲基化、基因扩增等。它已被广泛用于基因诊断、研究和生物工程领域。

4. 局限性:Southern blot技术需要大量的DNA样品,且耗时且耗能。另外,它是一种相对复杂的技术,需要专业知识和实验经验。


1. Scientists used Southern blot to investigate the variation between wild and cultivated strains of rice. 科学家们使用Southern blot技术研究野生和栽培品种之间的变异。

2. Southern blot is a useful technique in the diagnosis of genetic disorders. Southern blot技术在基因障碍的诊断中非常有用。

3. The application of Southern blot allows for the detection of DNA methylation patterns. Southern blot技术的应用可以检测DNA甲基化模式。

4. Researchers used Southern blot to determine the copy number of a particular gene in yeast. 研究人员使用Southern blot技术确定酵母中特定基因的拷贝数。

5. The limitations of Southern blot have led to the development of alternative DNA detection methods. Southern blot技术的限制促使人们开发了替代的DNA检测方法。


读音:nán fāng zá jiāo

例句:该研究使用了南方杂交技术来检测基因组DNA中的特定序列。 (The research used Southern blotting technique to detect specific sequences in genomic DNA.)

southern blot的意思是"印迹",还有化的意思,在线发音:[southernblot],southern blot来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到49个与southern blot相关的例句。

Southern blot的翻译


例句:Negroes in Southern towns and cities have taken to the streets in large numbers, often under close scrutiny by local law enforcement. (Negroes in Southern towns and cities 南部城镇黑人 have taken to the streets in large numbers,)


例句:And the darkness inside you can make you feel so small ♪ (♪Maybe it was southern summer nights♪ ♪Maybe it was you maybe it was me♪)


southern blot一般作为名词使用,如在Southern blot([化] DNA印迹)、the southern([网络] 南方;南方的;景观)、Dot blot([化] 斑点印迹)等常见短语中出现较多。

Southern blot[化] DNA印迹
the southern[网络] 南方;南方的;景观
Dot blot[化] 斑点印迹
fastening blot紧固螺栓
hit a blot进攻弱点
joint blot[网络] 连接螺栓;联结螺栓;方管螺栓连接示意
Northern blot[化] RNA印迹
remove a blot消除污点
stay blot拉条螺栓;螺撑
Western blot[化] 蛋白质印迹


1. The fort was surrounded by southern artillery. Southern gunboats guarded the harbor. (翻译:萨姆特堡四面被南方的炮火所包围,南方的炮艇守卫着这座港口。)

2. Yet it was with this blot, and not with the beauty, that the two gazers were concerned. (翻译:可是那两个人所关心的正是那个污点,而不是城市的美景。)

3. The ageing pharaoh might as well try to blot out the sun with his finger. (翻译:日渐衰老的法老还不如试着用手指遮住太阳。)

4. With a refueling stop in southern Russia. (翻译:经停俄罗斯南部加油 with a refueling stop in southern Russia.)

5. Blot stain with vodka then launders in your regular wash. (翻译:在污渍上抹点伏特加,然后按正常程序清洗即可。)

6. The panther inhabited Greece, southern Italy, and southern Spain till the beginning of the historical period. (翻译:直到文史期开始时,豹还栖息在希腊,意大利南部和西班牙南部。)

7. The British King may blot out the Stars of God from His sky, but he cannot blot out His words written on the Parchment there! (翻译:英国国王也许可以遮盖上帝撒布在天空中的星星,但是他不可能污渍在羊皮纸上写的祂的字语!)

8. This is not a Rorschach test, where some abstract blot can be interpreted many ways by many subjects. (翻译:这不是罗夏克测验的抽像污点 针对不同对像做不同解释)

9. LIKE a blot on corporate India's copybook, the Satyam scandal is still spreading. (翻译:Satyam丑闻就像印度企业字帖上的一个污点,至今仍在扩散。)

10. But the Southern Hemisphere is mostly ocean. (翻译:但南半球大部分是海洋 But the Southern Hemisphere is mostly ocean.)

11. Guantanamo is a blot on the American one. (翻译:而关塔那摩则是美国的一个污点。)

12. Such events, which only blot out the middle of the Sun, are known as annular eclipses. (翻译:像这样,太阳中部被遮盖的天象,就叫做日环食。)

13. They are truly indomitable. But what a blot there is on history. (翻译:他们是真的毫不气馁。但这是历史上的一个污点。)

14. Oh, the Southern Dixiecrats. (翻译:Oh, the Southern Dixiecrats.)

15. But, i donn't blot out that your dribs and drabs stay in my heart. (翻译:可,我就是抹不去你在我心中留下的点点滴滴…)

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