archangel是什么意思 archangel的中文翻译、读音、例句

archangel是什么意思 archangel的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 宗教意义:Archangel通常指的是天使中的大天使,他们在基督宗教中承载着神的使命,被认为是对人们的保护者和指引者。

2. 地理位置:在俄罗斯,Archangel是一个城市的名字,位于北极圈以南的白海岸边。它是俄罗斯北部航运和渔业的中心,也是一座历史悠久的城市。

3. 军事意义:Archangel作为缩略词可以表示北极舰队。北极舰队是俄罗斯海军的一个分支,负责保护俄罗斯北部海域的安全和利益。


1. The archangel Michael is often depicted in art as a warrior, defeating the devil.


2. The city of Archangel was an important trading port during the medieval times.


3. The Archangel Northern Fleet has been modernized in recent years to meet the challenges of the Arctic region.


4. The Archangel Gabriel is commonly associated with the announcement of the birth of Jesus in Christian tradition.


5. The Archangel Michael Cathedral in Archangel city is a popular attraction for tourists.




1. Michael is believed to be the archangel who defeated Satan and saved the world.


2. In the Christian faith, there are several archangels mentioned in the Bible, including Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.





例句:And when he did, Michael, the archangel, was sent to kick him out of heaven along with the other fallen angels. (当他率众背叛后,上帝派迈克天使长 将他和其他堕落的天使一起赶出天堂。)


例句:Michael invokes Warrior Angels that work with Archangel Michael, and you could hardly do better than follow this example. (迈克尔调用与大天使米迦勒共事的战士天使们,而且你们几乎不能比下面这个例子做的更好了。)


例句:I am Archangel Azriel and I come to you on behalf of the angelic realms at this time of much grief and change across the world. (我是大天使爱瑟瑞尔,我在这全球漫布着悲痛和转变之际代表天使界出现在这里。)


例句:Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us now in this conflict against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places!" (翻译:圣天使长米迦勒, 目前在冲突这为我们辩护 对这个世界黑暗的统治者,)


1. I am Archangel Azriel and I come to you on behalf of the angelic realms at this time of much grief and change across the world. (翻译:我是大天使爱瑟瑞尔,我在这全球漫布着悲痛和转变之际代表天使界出现在这里。)

2. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us now in this conflict against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places!" (翻译:圣天使长米迦勒, 目前在冲突这为我们辩护 对这个世界黑暗的统治者,)

3. I accuse myself also of pride in thinking I could handle the Archangel myself. (翻译:我指挫自己傲慢的以为 我能独自应付人天使)

4. Here is the interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon. (翻译:以下是对大天使麦克的采访,通过琳达·迪伦。)

5. And when he did, Michael, the archangel, was sent to kick him out of heaven along with the other fallen angels. (翻译:当他率众背叛后,上帝派迈克天使长 将他和其他堕落的天使一起赶出天堂。)

6. I am Archangel Azriel and I come to you on behalf of the angelic realms at this time of much grief and change across the world. (翻译:我是大天使爱瑟瑞尔,我在这全球漫布着悲痛和转变之际代表天使界出现在这里。)

7. I'd like to invite you to join Archangel Michael & I, for a new way of collaborating, during this potent time. (翻译:我希望邀请大家加入到米迦勒和我们的团队中来,在这一段时刻内获得合作新的方式。)

8. Just out of curiosity, what is the average customer wait time to speak to an archangel? (翻译:what is 一般我们需要等多久才能等来大天使呢 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}The average customer wait time to speak to an archangel?)

9. There's an archangel there wanting me to drop the soap. Look at me. (翻译:你看看我 我比你倒霉多了 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Look at me!)

10. It was like casting an archangel as an accountant; I couldn't visualize him in any commonplace role. (翻译:他就像一个天使一样。)

11. He instructs the archangel Gabriel to go down and tell the president that it is time for him to take leave of his people. (翻译:他指示大天使加百利立即下凡去告诉总统先生,现在是与他的人民分手的时候了。)

12. Well, every angel needs an archangel. (翻译:每一个天使都需要它的大天使 Well, every angel needs an archangel.)

13. Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel. (翻译:最高主教狄格拜被当场提拔为大天使。)

14. A deputy sheriff laid eyes on the archangel. (翻译:一个县副治安官见过天使长 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}A deputy sheriff laid eyes on the archangel.)

15. Okay, Gabriel. How does an Archangel become a, Trickster? (翻译:How does an archangel become a trickster?)

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