1950s是什么意思 1950s的中文翻译、读音、例句

1950s是什么意思 1950s的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I mean, they're 1950s, they're ice America, a bloated enemy in a crumbling castle. (我是说,他们是xx年代,是电子管美国 一座崩塌的城堡里的傲慢的敌人)


1950s一般作为名词使用,如在S of S(abbr. Song of Songs 【圣经】雅歌)、S to S(abbr. =ship to shore)、s's(na. 英语字母表第十九字母;S 形物;【化】元素硫的符号)等常见短语中出现较多。

S of Sabbr. Song of Songs 【圣经】雅歌
S to Sabbr. =ship to shore
s'sna. 英语字母表第十九字母;S 形物;【化】元素硫的符号
s/sabbr. Surface-Surface 地对地
s.s.s[网络] 边边边;丢丢铜仔;病态窦房结综合征
s.s.s.[医] 层上层
for s[网络] 手机旺旺
in's[网络] 风味小厨;瑶宏
it'sit is的缩写, it has的缩写
it's not on(非正式)这是不实际(或无法接受)的


1. Pakistan, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, what they found in these cities- (翻译:他们在摩亨朱罗达 哈拉帕 科特迪奇 这些城市发现的)

2. In the 1950s, this virus nearly wiped out the entire production of papaya on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. (翻译:xx年代,这种病毒几乎感染了夏威夷欧胡岛 的全部木瓜作物。)

3. Actually, I spent most of the 1950s, 1954 to 1962 to be exact, on acid. (翻译:实际上在xx年代的大部分时间, 精确的说是xx年到xx年, 都在和致幻剂打交道.)

4. Due to the resemblance to Elvis Presley's pompadour haircut in the 1950s, the dinosaur is also informally known as the Elvisaurus. (翻译:由于相似之处埃尔维斯·普雷斯利在1950帕杜尔理发,恐龙也称为非正式的Elvisaurus。)

5. The antianxiety medication Librium was given to cats selected for their meanness in the 1950s and made them into peaceable felines. (翻译:【利眠宁】----- 抗焦虑的药物 在上世纪xx年代喂给根据恶劣程度挑选出的猫 然后让它们变的听话又温顺。)

6. And also, like tuberculosis in the 1950s, we don't know what causes it. (翻译:就像二十世纪xx年代时的肺结核一样, 我们不清楚它的起因。)

7. The term was coined in the 1950s by the British-Hungarian physical chemist and philosopher, Michael Polanyi. (翻译:“隐性知识”这个术语20世纪xx年代由英国籍匈牙利裔物理化学家兼哲学家迈克尔·波兰尼首创。)

8. In the 1950s, Olds and Milner put electrodes into the brain of a rat. (翻译:在二十世纪xx年代 奥德斯和米尔纳将电极植入一只老鼠的大脑 )

9. Laing was a black child born in the 1950s to a white Afrikaner couple . (翻译:上世纪xx年代,一对白人夫妇生下了一个黑人女儿莱恩。)

10. Developed in the 1950s, the idea is that one country's nuclear weapons prevents another country from using theirs. (翻译:这套理论在 50 年代提出, 意思是一个国家拥有核武器 会防止其他国家用他们的核武器。)

11. Here's why this worries me: since the 1950s, rates of many autoimmune diseases have doubled to tripled. (翻译:这就是为什么让我感觉忧虑的原因: 从20世纪xx年代起 自身免疫系统的得病率, 是以前的两倍到三倍, )

12. I watch a lot of old monster movies from the 1950s specifically looking at the physics and saying, "No, no, no. (翻译:我看过大量的xx年代以来的老的怪物电影 专门从物理学角度去看 说道 不不不 不是那回事)

13. Fast-forward to 1950s, '60s and '70s. (翻译:快进到 1950 年代, 60 年代和 70 年代。)

14. That's exactly what we did in the 1950s, and that effort backfired. (翻译:这正是我们在xx年代所做的, 而结果却是事与愿违。)

15. Back from the 1950s to the 1970s, girls weren't supposed to play sports. (翻译:追溯回二十世纪 xx年代到xx年代, 女孩们是不能去参加体育运动的。)

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