forgettable是什么意思 forgettable的中文翻译、读音、例句

forgettable是什么意思 forgettable的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释: 'forgettable'表示值得被忘记的,不重要的。它通常用来形容某个经历、事件、人或事物让人印象不深,容易忘记的状态。

2. 同义词搭配: 与'forgettable'同义的词包括:unmemorable、insignificant、insipid、mundane等,它们都表示不值得记住或感到无聊的。

3. 用法示例: 'forgettable'可以用来形容各种事物,如经历、事件、表演、音乐、电影、书籍、商品、人等。在口语和书面语中,它的使用频率很高,尤其是在贬义和讽刺的语境下。


1. 他的表演实在是太无聊了,简直是可以被遗忘的。

2. 这部电影剧情很平庸,非常容易让人忘记。

3. 那次旅行并没有给我留下什么特别的印象,是一次可有可无的经历。


1. The concert was forgettable, the singer was out of tune and the crowd was disengaged.

2. Her speech was forgettable, lacking any compelling ideas or storytelling.

3. The book was forgettable, with flat characters and a predictable plot.

4. The product was forgettable, just another generic item on the store shelf.

5. He was forgettable, hardly making an impression on anyone he met.




1. His performance was forgettable and left no impression on the audience.(他的表演很平庸,让观众没有留下任何印象。)

2. The book was forgettable and I can't even remember the plot now.(这本书很容易被遗忘,现在我甚至都想不起来情节了。)

3. The movie was so forgettable that I fell asleep halfway through.(这部电影太无聊了,我看到一半就睡着了。)




例句:If it weren't for that metallic orange "Copperhead" paint job, the Borrego is a pretty forgettable 4,460 LBS of generic SUV. (如果不是橙色的金属“铜斑蛇”油漆工作,博雷戈是一个相当忘记四千四百六十英镑通用的SUV。)


例句:Looking for a white guy, yea high, generic, unfunny, really forgettable. (我们在找一个白种男人 大约这么高,平凡无趣)


例句:It sounds like a commercial: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable. (它听起来像句广告语:顺耳却平淡易忘。)


例句:So I've been never interested in the forgettable reuse, rehashing of the same things over and over again, which, of course, get accolades of critics. (翻译:所以我对那些过目即忘的复制从来不感兴趣 把那些做过的事反反复复地重新排列 当然,它们能得到评论家的赞扬 )


1. It sounds like a commercial: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable. (翻译:它听起来像句广告语:顺耳却平淡易忘。)

2. So I've been never interested in the forgettable reuse, rehashing of the same things over and over again, which, of course, get accolades of critics. (翻译:所以我对那些过目即忘的复制从来不感兴趣 把那些做过的事反反复复地重新排列 当然,它们能得到评论家的赞扬 )

3. He has acted in three forgettable action films. (翻译:他已出演了三个反响不大的动作片。)

4. So I've been never interested in the forgettable reuse, rehashing of the same things over and over again, which, of course, get accolades of critics. (翻译:所以我对那些过目即忘的复制从来不感兴趣 把那些做过的事反反复复地重新排列 当然,它们能得到评论家的赞扬)

5. I'm not exactly that forgettable. (翻译:才过几天呢 我这可不是轻易能忘怀的容貌啊)

6. If it weren't for that metallic orange "Copperhead" paint job, the Borrego is a pretty forgettable 4, 460 lbs of generic SUV. (翻译:如果不是橙色的金属“铜斑蛇”油漆工作,博雷戈是一个相当忘记四千四百六十英镑通用的SUV。)

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