mandated是什么意思 mandated的中文翻译、读音、例句

mandated是什么意思 mandated的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:mandated的常见词组搭配包括mandated by(受...授权)、mandated to(被授权去做某事)。




1. The government has mandated that all schools provide free lunch to students in need.(政府已经授权所有学校为需要的学生提供免费午餐。)

2. The manager mandated that everyone must attend the important meeting.(经理命令所有人都必须参加重要会议。)

3. The new law mandates that all cars must have seat belts installed.(新法律强制规定所有汽车必须安装安全带。)

4. The CEO is mandated by the board to make changes to the company's structure.(董事会授权首席执行官对公司结构进行改变。)

5. The company is mandated to follow strict environmental regulations.(该公司被授权遵守严格的环境法规。)





1. The government has mandated the wearing of face masks in public places.


2. She was mandated by her boss to lead the new project.


3. The law mandates that all businesses must pay their employees a minimum wage.





例句:He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire. (他受西非经济共同体授权去介入并执行停火协定。)


例句:Ave you seen examples of mandated Agile implementation? (你们有看到过强制式的敏捷实践的例子吗? )


例句:He told us that Brazil's government mandated that every gasoline station in the country would carry ethanol. (他告诉我们巴西政府强制要求, 全国所有加油站都必须安装乙醇加油泵,)


例句:This trial was part of a congressionally mandated evaluation of domestic and foreign APS. (翻译:这项试验是国会授权的国内外APS评估的一部分。)


mandated一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在mandated area([法] 委托统治地)、mandated legislation(【法律】委任性立法)、mandated sharing(强制分享)等常见短语中出现较多。

mandated area[法] 委托统治地
mandated legislation【法律】委任性立法
mandated sharing强制分享
mandated state[法] 受委托统治国, 受托国
mandated territory[法] 委托统治下的领土, 委托统治地
mandated wages法定薪资;强制工资
mandated legal norm【法律】委任性规范


1. He told us that Brazil's government mandated that every gasoline station in the country would carry ethanol. (翻译:他告诉我们巴西政府强制要求, 全国所有加油站都必须安装乙醇加油泵,)

2. This trial was part of a congressionally mandated evaluation of domestic and foreign APS. (翻译:这项试验是国会授权的国内外APS评估的一部分。)

3. That was a state-mandated kind of thing. (翻译:那算是政府委托的 That was a state -mandated kind of thing.)

4. Too often, performance appraisal is seen merely as a once-a-year drill mandated by the personnel department. (翻译:通常情况下,绩效评估被看成仅仅是由人力资源部强制实施的xx年一次的培训。)

5. The Reagan administration mandated the National Security Agency to generate a new code to protect American informants working for foreign governments. (翻译:在雷根总统任期内, 授权给国安局... 造一个新的密码... 用来保护 美国驻外的情报人员)

6. The European calendar mandated by Pope Gregory in1583 is the only world calendar that did not intercalate at least two celestial cycles. (翻译:欧洲历法被教宗格里高利于xx年指定为唯一的世界历法,至少没有插入两个天体循环。)

7. Specifically, the Working Group was mandated to focus on three lines of activity with relation to the HAF (翻译:具体来讲,工作组的使命在与卫生行动框架有关的三个方面进行工作)

8. The state requires you to suspend all activity until these levels reach the mandated minimums. (翻译

9. If it did, the clock would not be ticking down to a congressionally mandated default even as the economy stalls. (翻译:如果有,美国不就会在经济陷入停滞之际一步一步走向国会授权的违约。)

10. Provided it saw little inflation risk from doing so, the central bank would be mandated to match the government's overseas aid payments up to a certain limit. (翻译:假设这样做基本没什么通货膨胀的风险 中央银行需被强制采取措施 以达到政府的海外救助款项 所设定的一个限度 )

just another court-mandated, happy family therapy day. (翻译

12. The company is spending more money now on compliance programs and a government-mandated monitor. (翻译:这家公司目前正将更多的资金投入到合规计划和政府强制的监督机制中。)

13. NCLB mandated that 100 percent of students be proficient in reading and math by 2014. (翻译:NCLB法案要求到xx年时100%的学生在阅读和数学方面必须达到优秀。)

14. It is important that we're mindful of Brittany's mandated breaks. (翻译:重要的是 我们是铭记 布列塔尼的 强制休息。)

15. And my favorite, from a Kansas City cardiologist: "More government-mandated stuff? (翻译:还有我最喜欢的一条, 来自于堪萨斯城的心脏科医生: “更多国家指定的医生? )



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