cherie是什么意思 cherie的中文翻译、读音、例句

cherie是什么意思 cherie的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'cherie' 是法语中的一个名词,意为“宝贝,亲爱的”。

词性:'cherie' 是一个名词。

词组搭配:'ma chérie' 意为“我的宝贝,我的亲爱的”。


发音拼写:音标为 [ʃə.ʁi]。


1. Chérie, est-ce que tu m'aimes ?(宝贝,你爱我吗?)

2. Je t'aime, ma chérie.(我爱你,我的宝贝。)

3. Chérie, je suis désolé.(亲爱的。)

4. Ma chérie, je suis de retour.(我的宝贝,我回来了。)

5. Elle est ma chérie, je l'aime de tout mon cœur.(她是我的宝贝,我全心全意地爱她。)



读音: [ʃeri]


1. Cherie,我想和你一起度过余生。

Translation: Cherie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

2. Cherie,你是我生命的阳光,让我感到幸福。

Translation: Cherie, you are the sunshine of my life, making me feel happy.




例句:His wife is also said to have told Princess Anne: "Do call me Cherie. " (据说他的妻子曾对安妮公主说:“叫我查理就行。”)


例句:Cherie Booth is the lawyer appearing for the defendant. (谢丽•布思作为被告的辩护律师出庭。)


例句:I just, can I just say a few things about, first about Cherie, because she's a wonderful lady, my wife, with a wonderful smile. (我可以说说谢丽, 因为她是一个美妙的小姐, 我的妻子,带着美丽的微笑。)


例句:I just, can I just say a few things about, first about Cherie, because she's a wonderful lady, my wife, with a wonderful smile. (翻译:我可以说说谢丽, 因为她是一个美妙的小姐, 我的妻子,带着美丽的微笑。)


cherie一般作为名词使用,如在Cherie(切丽 女子名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cherie切丽 女子名


1. I just, can I just say a few things about, first about Cherie, because she's a wonderful lady, my wife, with a wonderful smile. (翻译:我可以说说谢丽, 因为她是一个美妙的小姐, 我的妻子,带着美丽的微笑。)

2. I just, can I just say a few things about, first about Cherie, because she's a wonderful lady, my wife, with a wonderful smile. (翻译:我可以说说谢丽, 因为她是一个美妙的小姐, 我的妻子,带着美丽的微笑。)

3. "You know that Tony Blair, " the Queen is saying, "he was here the other day with that Cherie woman. Can't say I'm a fan. " (翻译:“你知道的,托尼·布莱尔,”女王说道,“几天前他在切丽在这里,不能说我是一个仰慕者。”)

4. I'm your sister, Cherie, you don't have to say it. I can hear you. (翻译:我是你的妹妹,切丽 你不需要说出来,我就能感应到)

5. Please, cherie. That was not my first rodeo. (翻译:拜托 亲爱的 这可不是我第一回这么和人掐了)

6. Cherie's back in town for the weekend. Told her I'd come down. (翻译:呃 Sheri回来过周末 我跟她说来我那儿...)

7. During a visit to Kosovo this summer, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie met with a remarkable group of children. (翻译:今年夏天,在访问科索沃期间,前任英国首相托尼·布莱尔和他的妻子切丽会见了一群非常有才能的孩子。)

8. Mama's gone to heaven, cherie... like that sweet lady, right there. (翻译:妈妈去天堂了,亲爱的 就像这一位可爱的女士)

9. Believe me, I adore you Cherie (翻译:Believe me, I adore you Chrie)

10. But we wanted more for Cherie, so when Les sold the biz... we decided to move to the Big Apple. (翻译:我们希望雪莉更好 所以卖了公司 我们决定搬来纽约)

11. This case sort of prosecutes itself, cherie. - Yeah. (翻译:这起谋杀在一定程度上是自动破案的 亲爱的)

12. Tony Blair and Cherie. And again, the legalities -- we had to be very careful. (翻译:这是布莱尔和切丽。同样我们需要小心法律问题。)

13. LESTAT: You think so, cherie? But what if I'd rather taste your lips? (翻译:莱斯特:是吗,女士?但如果我更想品尝你的朱唇呢?)

14. The campaigning paid off, securing Blair - and his wife Cherie - a place in history. (翻译:竞选的胜利为布莱尔夫妇带来了丰厚的回报,保证了他们在英国历史中的位置。)

15. His wife is also said to have told Princess Anne : "Do call me Cherie. " Her frosty reply: " I think not, actually . " (翻译:据说他的妻子曾对安妮公主说:“叫我切丽就行。”公主冷淡地说:“我想就不必了。”)

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