species是什么意思 species的中文翻译、读音、例句

species是什么意思 species的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Species是指一组相似或者同源的生物个体,具有共同的遗传特征和生物学特征,可以自由繁殖后代,并且能够在自然环境下生存繁衍。


- Humans are a species of primates that originated in Africa.

- The giant panda is an endangered species that lives in the bamboo forests of China.

2. 分类:在生物分类学中,Species是一个基本的分类单位,一般分为真实种(可以自由繁殖后代)和人工种(人为培育的品种)两种。


- The domestic dog is a man-made species that has been selectively bred for various purposes.

- The taxonomy of plants is constantly being updated as new species are discovered and existing species are reclassified.

3. 保护:Species的保护是保护生物多样性的重要组成部分,许多物种受到人类活动的威胁,需要采取措施保护。


- The United Nations has established numerous international agreements aimed at protecting endangered species from exploitation and extinction.

- The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park has helped to restore the ecosystem and protect many other species.

4. 进化:Species的进化是生物学研究的重要领域,不同物种的进化历程可以通过研究遗传变异、形态结构、行为特征等进行探究。


- The study of fossils provides important insights into the evolution of species over time.

- Darwin's theory of natural selection explains how species adapt to their environment through a process of evolution.

5. 语境应用:除了生物学领域,Species也经常在其他语境中使用,比如科幻小说、动漫作品等。


- In the Star Trek universe, the Borg are a fictional species of cybernetically enhanced beings.

- Pokémon is a popular anime series featuring hundreds of unique species of creatures that can be captured and trained by humans.



1. There are many species of birds in this forest. 这片森林里有许多种鸟。

2. The extinction of a species is a great loss to our planet. 物种灭绝是对我们的地球的巨大损失。

3. Darwin's theory of evolution explains how new species arise. 达尔文的进化理论解释了新物种是如何产生的。




例句:It puzzled Wegener that fossils of the same species of a now-extinct fern were reported to be found on both sides of the Atlantic. (魏格纳迷惑了 It puzzled Wegener 现在已经灭绝的同种蕨类化石 that fossils of the same species of a now -extinct fern)


例句:Hiding within them are half of all the animals species on the planet. (Hiding within them are half of all the animal species on the planet. 全球一半的动物种类隐藏其中)


例句:Species diversity consist of species richness, the total number of species, species evenness, and the distribution of species. (微生物多样性是指群落中的微生物种群类型和数量、种的丰度和均度以及种的分布情况。)


例句:If you could merge with another species, what species would you pick and why? (翻译:如果你能跟别的物种结合 If you could merge with another species, 你会选哪种 原因是什么 what species would you pick and why? 提示 有正确答案的哦 Hint:)


species一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在the species(人类)、difference species(异种)、different species(异类)等常见短语中出现较多。

the species人类
difference species异种
different species异类
differential species识别[区别]种
digenomatic species二染色体组种
digenomic species双染色体组种(即四倍体种)
dioecious species[动] 性两态种
diploid species二倍体种
dual species姊妹种


1. Species diversity consist of species richness, the total number of species, species evenness, and the distribution of species. (翻译:微生物多样性是指群落中的微生物种群类型和数量、种的丰度和均度以及种的分布情况。)

2. If you could merge with another species, what species would you pick and why? (翻译:如果你能跟别的物种结合 If you could merge with another species, 你会选哪种 原因是什么 what species would you pick and why? 提示 有正确答案的哦 Hint:)

3. In angiosperms there are 475 species of monocotyledon and 567 species of dicotyledon. (翻译:被子植物中单子叶植物475种,双子叶植物567种。)

4. An undiscovered species of bear. (翻译:一种从未被发现的一种熊 An undiscovered species of bear.)

5. There was a time when all that mattered to the human species was survival. (翻译:曾几何时 人类唯一关心的 There was a time when all that mattered 就只有生存 to the human species was survival.)

6. These are gateway species, vanguard species that open the door for other biological communities. (翻译:这些是入关物种, 为其它生物群体打开大门的先锋物种。)

7. She was absolutely the power behind that throne. (翻译:这就是濒危动物 are a threatened species,)

8. At this rate, some species are almost certainly heading for extinction. (翻译:some species are almost certainly heading for extinction.)

9. Over 1800 species worldwide. (翻译:全世界有超过1800种螳螂 Over 1800 species worldwide.)

10. And in the end, it was these ever-changing savannahs that produced the most adaptable species of all... ourselves. (翻译:it was these ever -changing savannahs 造就了适应力最强的物种 {\3cH202020}that produced the most adaptable species of all...)

11. To ensure continuation of species (翻译:不过是深深扎根于我们大脑中的一种生态本能)

12. Nine in ten of all species perished. (翻译:十分之九的物种不复存在 Nine in ten of all species perished.)

13. Going from rat to rat is okay, but from species to species is not right. (翻译:但是,把它从一个物种 移植到另一个物种上 就不妥当了)

14. About 28 species: Africa, tropical Asia, Australia, two species in tropical South America, two species pantropical; one species in China. (翻译:大约28种:非洲,亚洲热带,澳大利亚,在热带的南美洲的两种,两种泛热带;在中国的一种。)

15. [Appiah] I started thinking about the difference between... the context in which we evolved as a species... and the present, you know, in this age of globalization. (翻译:[Appiah] I started thinking about the difference between... 我开始思考关于 the context in which we evolved as a species...)



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