it girl是什么意思 it girl的中文翻译、读音、例句

it girl是什么意思 it girl的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和起源:'it girl'指的是一位极具魅力和影响力的年轻女性,她通常是社交场合的焦点和风向标。这个词语最早出现在xx年代的美国,指代那些具有时尚、自信和独立精神的女性。


- She's the ultimate it girl, everyone wants to be her friend. 她是最具代表性的it girl,所有人都想成为她的朋友。

- In the 1920s, Clara Bow was the quintessential it girl of Hollywood. 在20世纪xx年代,克拉拉·鲍成为了好莱坞最典型的it girl。

- Taylor Swift is often seen as a modern it girl, with her music, fashion and activism inspiring young women around the world. 泰勒·斯威夫特经常被视为现代it girl,她的音乐、时尚和社会活动鼓舞了全球的年轻女性。

- The new employee quickly became the office's it girl, thanks to her friendly and outgoing personality. 新员工因为友善、外向的性格很快成为了办公室的it girl。

2. 特点和素质:it girl通常具有多重魅力,包括外表、智慧、品位、个性和社交能力等方面。她们通常有着自信、勇敢、开放的态度,同时也具备独立、创新和进取的精神。


- Emma Watson is not only a talented actress, but also an it girl who champions women's rights and sustainable fashion. 艾玛·沃森不仅是一位才华横溢的演员,还是一位倡导女性权利和可持续时尚的it girl。

- Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of grace and style, and also a humanitarian it girl who devoted herself to UNICEF. 奥黛丽·赫本是优雅和风格的典范,也是一位致力于联合国儿童基金会的人道主义it girl。

- Greta Thunberg is a teenage it girl who has sparked a global movement for climate change awareness and action. 格里塔·桑伯格是一位少女it girl,她引发了全球气候变化意识和行动的运动。

- Rihanna is not only a music icon, but also an it girl who has revolutionized the beauty and fashion industry with her inclusive and innovative approach. 蕾哈娜不仅是音乐偶像,也是一位it girl,她以包容和创新的方式颠覆了美容和时尚行业。

3. 影响和流行:it girl通常具有一定的社交影响力和普及度,她们的个人形象和行为往往会引起公众的关注和模仿。同时,it girl也是一种时髦的文化现象,常常被各种媒体、品牌和产业所包装和利用。


- Kylie Jenner is known as a social media it girl, with millions of followers on Instagram and her own cosmetics empire. 凯莉·詹纳被视为社交媒体it girl,她在Instagram上拥有数百万粉丝,还拥有自己的化妆品帝国。

- Blair Waldorf, the fictional character from the TV series Gossip Girl, is often cited as a classic it girl of the post-2000s era. 《绯闻女孩》中的虚构人物布莱尔·沃尔多夫常被视为21世纪后期的典型it girl。

- Paris Hilton was a prominent it girl of the early 2000s, known for her party lifestyle, fashion sense and reality TV show. 帕里斯·希尔顿是21世纪初显赫的it girl之一,以她的派对生活方式、时尚品味和真人秀节目著称。

- Alexa Chung is a British it girl who has made a name for herself as a model, TV presenter and fashion designer. 阿莱克莎·春克是一位英国it girl,以模特、电视主持人和时尚设计师的身份崭露头角。

4. 负面评价和反思:尽管it girl是一个流行的文化符号和社会角色,但也有人批评她们过于注重表象和虚荣,缺乏真正的价值和内涵。此外,it girl也面临着不断变化和失去魅力的风险,需要不断适应时代的变化和挑战。


- Some people criticize it girls as shallow and superficial, obsessed with fashion and popularity at the expense of substance and integrity. 一些人批评it girl是浅薄和肤浅的,为了时尚和流行而牺牲实质和诚信。

- The concept of it girl has been criticized for reinforcing gender stereotypes and promoting consumerism and conformity. it girl概念因强化性别刻板印象、推广消费主义和奉行从众主义而遭到批评。

- The downfall of Lindsay Lohan from a promising it girl to a troubled celebrity symbolizes the danger and volatility of fame and fortune. 琳赛·罗韩由一位前途光明的it girl沦为一个麻烦不断的名人,象征着名誉和财富的危险和不稳定性。

- As the society becomes more diverse and inclusive, it girl needs to evolve and embrace new values and causes, such as sustainability, social justice and mental health. 随着社会变得更加多元和包容,it girl需要不断改进和接受新的价值和事业,例如可持续性、社会正义和心理健康。


读音:/ɪt ɡɜːl/


1. She's the new it girl in the fashion industry. (她是时尚界新来的IT女孩。)

2. The party was full of it girls and celebrities. (派对上到处都是时尚女郎和名人。)

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