vigilance是什么意思 vigilance的中文翻译、读音、例句

vigilance是什么意思 vigilance的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:


2. 词性:


3. 常用场景:


4. 词组搭配:


- maintain vigilance:保持警戒状态

- heightened vigilance:加强警戒

- constant vigilance:时刻警觉

- maintain constant vigilance:始终保持警觉

- strict vigilance:严密的警戒

- exercise vigilance:行使警戒

5. 相关短语:


- be on the lookout for:寻找,留心

- keep an eye out for:留心,注意

- stay alert:保持警觉

- be wary of:警惕,谨慎

- be mindful of:留心,注意

6. 发音拼写:

vigilance的音标为 [ˈvɪdʒɪləns],其中v字母发音为/v/,i发音为/i/,g发音为/dʒ/,l发音为/l/,a发音为/ə/,n发音为/n/,e发音为/ɪ/,c发音为/s/。




1. We must maintain constant vigilance to prevent another terrorist attack.


2. The night watchman's job is to maintain vigilance throughout the night.


3. The company's security system relies on the vigilance of its employees.


vigilance在英语中代表"警戒 、警醒症"的意思,其次还有"失眠症"的意思,发音是['vidʒilәns],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到51个与vigilance相关的例句。



例句:What I want Americans to understand today, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance and we've not been vigilant. (我希望美国人今天能明白的是 自由的代价是时刻需要保持警惕 们今天不够警惕)


例句:Right? Because with early detection and vigilance... (是吧 因为如果发现得早 又警觉的话...)


例句:And as we recognize the sacrifice of this man... we must remember that vigilance is the price of safety. (他的牺牲让我们认识到... 和平是要付出代价的)


例句:It would be easy to read Stevens's dream as a symptom of PTSD, expressing fear, hyper vigilance and avoidance. (翻译:我们很容易把史蒂文斯的梦解读成PTSD的症状,以为它表达了恐惧、过度警戒与逃避。)


vigilance一般作为名词使用,如在duty of vigilance([法] 警戒责任)、maintain vigilance(保持警惕)、perceptual vigilance(知觉警觉)等常见短语中出现较多。

duty of vigilance[法] 警戒责任
maintain vigilance保持警惕
perceptual vigilance知觉警觉
special vigilance特别保护
vigilance committee[法] 治安委员会
vigilance committees治安维持会
vigilance device警惕装置
vigilance lever警惕手柄
vigilance manna. 自警团团员\n[网络] 维持治安组织的成员


1. And as we recognize the sacrifice of this man... we must remember that vigilance is the price of safety. (翻译:他的牺牲让我们认识到... 和平是要付出代价的)

2. It would be easy to read Stevens's dream as a symptom of PTSD, expressing fear, hyper vigilance and avoidance. (翻译:我们很容易把史蒂文斯的梦解读成PTSD的症状,以为它表达了恐惧、过度警戒与逃避。)

3. Our lack of vigilance in the earlier years around cigarette smoking led to a cigarette epidemic and many, many cigarette-related diseases. (翻译:近年来,由于缺乏对香烟危害的警惕 导致了吸烟行为的盛行, 和许多由吸烟引发的疾病。)

4. As reward for his vigilance, Farr was appointed to the Committee. (翻译:作为对其警惕性的回报,法尔被指定为忠诚者委员会成员。)

5. Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents. (翻译:为了避免意外事故,必须经常保持警惕。)

6. As reward for his vigilance, Farr was appointed to the Committee. (翻译:作为对其警惕性的回报,法尔被指定为忠诚者委员会成员。)

7. Paul Verner told the armed workers returning to factories and families to increase their vigilance and readiness to fight. (翻译:Paul Verner让武装的工人 回到工厂和家人中去 提高警惕,时刻准备战斗)

8. With Vigilance playing judge and jury, executioner won't be far behind. (翻译:警戒团要玩法官与陪审团这套 那离行刑也就不远了)

9. My team just got word that Vigilance kidnapped my colleagues. (翻译:我的团队刚刚收到消息说 警戒团绑架了我的同事)

10. Which means that Vigilance is about to have him unless we can get to him first. (翻译:也就是说如果我们不能先一步的话 警戒团就要得到他了)

11. Simil ar to a widely reported relationship in natural size flocks of many species of birds, vigilance levels of the free individual eared pheasants declined as the extra-range flock size increased. (翻译:分离者的个体警惕水平随着临时群体大小的增加而下降,遵从在其它自然大小鸟类群体所发现的一般性规律。)

12. only by ferocious vigilance. Tell me about the Chizhikov's, comrade. (翻译:这些人类的蛀虫 跟我说说Chizhikov一家吧 同志)

13. Ms. Wainwright worked for the government, and Vigilance has sworn to end the government's abuse of privacy. (翻译:Wainwright女士为政府工作 警戒团发誓要终结 政府滥用职权监视隐私)

14. Jakab is well aware that the struggle against antimicrobial resistance in Europe requires continuous vigilance if problems such as drug-resistant tuberculosis are not to get worse. (翻译:Jakab充分认识到针对欧洲抗菌素耐药性的斗争需要持续提高警惕,否则耐药性结核病等问题将恶化。)

15. She stressed the need for constant vigilance. (翻译:她强调必须时常保持警惕。)



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